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Posts posted by Xeilyy

  1. Personally,

    I agree with the idea of having all these added suggestions with the customizable armor, but I would prefer if we didn't customize weapons, unless it's limited to solely the appearance in campaign, just so that, in the beginning of the match, all players stand equal chance of winning, and it really takes skill to actually win. Enhancing weapons to your liking will shift the balance of equality too much. One thing that might be cool, is to be able to take off certain pieces of armor. Another thing that would be cool is to add graphics or your emblem to certain parts of your armor, like adding flame design or checkers or stripes. Some people might get a kick out of it :). Also, I like the Halo: CE black color, which was replaced by steal. Please bring back black... and maybe a more customizable color system as well?


    I like these ideas from rafter and arby, they're really thinking and throwing good ideas out there. Only a couple are debatable ;)


    What I want to do in custom games is to be able to play as a hunter or grunt or jackel. I think that wouldn't be a bad idea, and it would be pretty comical.


    I like the idea of changing the preferred weapon to a sniper rifle or sword, then seeing your post/pre game carnage report with your spartan holding that weapon.


    I think that armor abilities weren't too bad, they did bring more tactics to gameplay. Some of them made gameplay faster, and some made gameplay slower, and it's something that I could adapt to no matter what 343 decides to do with it. The only one that I would prefer most to be in the game is sprint, only because it helped to get to the battle faster.


    Objective space battles. Have two base frigates with multiple vehicle choices. Imagine capture the flag or assault in space! Then just an all out slayer style space battle, or territories.


    As for playlists, I like these ideas, but I also want just a cluster**** playlist, where everything is completely random, where people who like to be surprised, or if you don't know what you want to do, you can have the computer decide for you.


    my favorite armor piece in halo 3 was the katana, why not bring that back, but when you pick of the energy sword, you pull out your katana instead? That would be a pretty cool feature in my opinion, just as a little bonus for the hard work of getting 1000 gamerscore in the game.


    I want the campaign's legendary difficulty to be difficult. Like halo 2 except without the automatic iron skull on. Flood should be like halo 3 flood, if 343 decides to add them. I like long campaigns like halo 2 and I like to fight a variety of enemies like halo 2, with some additions. I like the idea of new weapons, but keep the old ones as well. I love variety, so I also like variety in weapons. One thing that would be funny is to be able to get into a modern car, like an extremely fast bug at some point during the campaign. XD.


    I want to be able to forge the troop warthog or maybe a gunless warthog? Plus to be able to change the color of vehicles, kinda like the mongoose in Reach, but with all of the vehicles.


    I think that's all for now.



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