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Posts posted by Theunknownsoldier

  1. do you guys read the books for halo ? if you read the books and played the game there is so much they could add :) for instance stealth should be an option in the campaign, and if you have multiple spartans or just the AI i wish you could somehow command them so they dont drive off in your warthog as you try to blow up a covenant AA battery lol. sprint speeds should be higher and spartans should be made taller compared to marines, they should be head to head with elites. since the game is rated M already, i think a little bit of gore would be cool? like shooting a brute in the neck would make it bleed to death but at the same time do the good old fashioned brute rage before it dies lol. adding silenced assault rifles pistols and smg's for a stealthy strategy in the campaign, but deff not for multiplayer. thats all minor, major things that would be cool to add would be like being able to take a jackles portable shield and duel wield it. now that would be awesome! and instead of making the AI cheat when your playing campaign just have it smarter, i hate when i played reach and your sneaking up on an elite while camo'd out and he freakin swing kicks you and kills you when your crouched and not showing up on the motion sensor! now reverting back to halo, you could sneak up on and elite or any covenant as long as you kept the motion off the sensor and stayed out of site. i can keep going guys but im just saying read the books than tell 343 your ideas. if the gameplay was close to what the books had it would be number one for me!

  2. i hate them, its one of the main reasons i hate reach, not only does the AI in the campaign get multiple ablities, the ping issues with armor lock and you hitting them are always off! and i think it made the game childish too! now assassinations are amazing! haha i was so excited when i heard they were adding them! and another thing i hate is the expanding ridicule! lets just say reach is my number one hated game, and i wasted so much precious time preordering and wasted 60 dollars! i'd pay 15 bucks at the most for the game haha, geez i needed to let that out! sorry it was on your post xP

  3. He's advertising the account should be deleted soon, i reported him haha, and know idea ! i hope halo 4 gives the mysterious feeling too! i loved discovering the flood and how they made you think double u tee eff!! what is killin the marines and the covenant running from!?!? haha

  4. Someone clear this up for me, so 343 industries consists of the veteran bungie employees right? what i heard is there was a lot of new employees that bungie had and they all wanted halo to change, and the veteran guys didnt like it so they quit and ended up making 343????? haha anyways i hated reach so im putting my hopes on 343!

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