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OMD Cookie

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Posts posted by OMD Cookie

  1. indestructible vehicles only makes the vehicle indestructible. Making the spartan invincible is the only way to give him/her indestructibility. Oddly enough, player traits carry over to vehicle traits as well, so their damage resistance is reflected by the vehicle, and their damage setting is the splatter damage setting O.o

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  2. Oh yah because the 5shot faster shooting more accurate DMR is = the 5 shot less accurate slower firing rate BR and is = the 10-shot Carbine.

    Yes, I see your logic

    The DMR is more accurate, but the BR's burst makes that last headshot easier, meaning it's better at close range, when missing that 5th shot could mean the difference between life and death. The DMR is better at longer distances, simply because of the accuracy. The carbine is just a fail.

  3. Yes at this moment the Halo 4 Forge sucks donkey balls unfortunately. The first thing I did after completing the campaign on Legendary was go to forge and make a nice long racing map... JK maps are horse poop and waaayyy too small. Not to mention the objects on the forge are also really bad. Ragnarok is the only map that could have possibility to make racing map but nothing to make it out of. :/

    One of the first race maps I saw was on Valhalla back in Halo 3. If they could do it there, you can do it here.

  4. Gamertag: OMD Cookie


    Map: Derby v1

    Gametype: Derby

    Description: It's a monster truck type thing. I created this back in halo 3 and never knew it got popular xD Last man in gets a point, but I'll be switching it to a slayer type soon to test that.


    Map: Skullball Court

    Gametype: Skullball

    Description: grifball map and traits, but with an oddball. It's actually really fun with the new passing.


    Map: Raid Boss

    Gametype: Mmo

    Description: I may have those two names mixed up, but it's 4 people with rpg type classes against a mantis, and severely tweaked setttings to make for epic battles. No honor rules needed.


    I don't have all of these on my fileshare, but if anyone messages or adds me, I'll invite them and/or put them on my file share.

  5. I just made a new simple gametype. It's got all the traits of grifball, but instead of planting a bomb, you just run around and hold the ball. Add in passing, and it's the most fun thing I've ever created. It's on my fileshare, or you can add me or message me if you want to see it. I kind of want to make this a big thing, so if you could download it and show it off for me, that would be amazing.


    Also, is there an online file share like there was with the last 2 games? That would be helpful.

  6. That's not another story. That is the story. Custom games have been botched. What good is forge without the custom games to be played on the forged maps?

    Well, it means if they fix custom games, even just back up to reach's standards, then it's a massive improvement overall. Very little work actually needs to be done to forge itself.

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