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Get Coopd On

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Posts posted by Get Coopd On

  1. I agree completely with what your sayn COOPD. Snipers was such a fun gametype in Halo 2 and 3, that being said I believe it had to do with the maps that were in both of those games. Reach I believe has a very limited number of good maps that would work well for Team Snipers. Which means that 343i or the Halo Community will have to make maps for the playlist. I know tons of people including myself that would galdly make maps to improve a beloved playlist.

    I would gladly test those maps with you


    Thats your opinon and your entitled to it. Would you like to enlighted us to why and add to the debate.

    Sniping by nature is a covert and stealth. I would like to see the following added and deleted. IMHO.

    • All small maps like Uncaged and indoor maps like Reflection be removed.
    • Atom to be abolished forever from all playlists
    • Outdoor maps only (Pinnacle as the smallest) Paradiso, Utopie, Abridged, Renegade, Highlands, Tempest and Temptation, Hemmorage, Spire, Boneyard, Wayont and Trident would all be good.
    • Reduced team kill count to 25 or 30 kills. People will camp in snipers. It is what snipers do.
    • Cammo and Hologram to be the only AA.
    • No secondary weapon or grenades period.
    • And the real controversial one. Make them reload after each shot to stop the spamming body shot kills. You want a true one shot kill then it has to be a headshot.


    I would love to explain why I disagree...:)


    1. I love the midsize maps that are already put into Snipes. Uncaged's spawns and tower-camping antics are B.S. but I think that problem could be fixed with some attention/tweaks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Reflection. No easy spawnkilling with very unique angles for shots. It takes skill to be good at Reflection.


    2. Atom was a good sniper map although the spawnkilling was horrendous. Tower control on it was of the utmost importance but you could also skate by undetected bottom mid and behind the enemy's base if you were good/sneaky enough. It has already been removed from Team Snipers and I doubt it will be coming back so I'll just leave it at that.


    3. Some of those maps are just way too big and would inspire people to camp behind rocks in very obscure places. Thus leaving games to probably be guaranteed to end before anybody reached 30 kills. This is too slow and too boring for anyone to enjoy it. Paradiso especially was taken out for a reason. It was a VERY poorly designed map (Or poorly designed section of Forge World rather.)


    4. You can't take something that's not broken and change it drastically without a good reason. The 50 killcount to win is unique to Halo, and will ALWAYS 'be' Halo. I extremely disagree with this solely for the fact that 50 kills to win in Team Snipers has stayed that way since Halo 2.


    5. Sprint. What is wrong with sprint? Nothing. Lol. Camo. What is wrong with camo in Snipers? EVERYTHING lol. God camouflage is snipers would honestly make me never play Halo again. It would be a mess of people just shooting people undetected, and we all know it is absolutely impossible to see someone that has the maximum camo coverage. Even when you're right next to them. Hologram's are fine. They actually take skill to use sometimes and it isn't overpowered.


    6. I have absolutely no issue with secondary weapons simply because it takes skill to use them as well (most of the time). Plus you can't go a whole game using a pistol in Team Snipers and get away with a perfection. It just doesn't happen. Same with the shotgun. I also just think without an option to have a secondary weapon, games would be a lot more dull and boring than they already are. Grenades are iffy to me because I think it takes skill to use them as well. And it makes sense that a person holding a sniper with a secondary weapon might also have a grenade as a backup equipment to ensure their survival. These things are tools to help players survive. How or if you even utilize it is simply your own problem. HOWEVER if grenades were removed from Snipers, I wouldn't complain.


    7. This is just a rediculous idea that should've stayed in that thick skull of yours lol. One shot snipers might be an interesting custom game or a game variant in the aforementioned "fun" snipers playlist. But the regular snipers clip needs to stay the way it is or the game would honestly just become broken. Perhaps because I'd throw it out the window.

  3. Sniping by nature is a covert and stealth. I would like to see the following added and deleted. IMHO.

    • All small maps like Uncaged and indoor maps like Reflection be removed.
    • Atom to be abolished forever from all playlists
    • Outdoor maps only (Pinnacle as the smallest) Paradiso, Utopie, Abridged, Renegade, Highlands, Tempest and Temptation, Hemmorage, Spire, Boneyard, Wayont and Trident would all be good.
    • Reduced team kill count to 25 or 30 kills. People will camp in snipers. It is what snipers do.
    • Cammo and Hologram to be the only AA.
    • No secondary weapon or grenades period.
    • And the real controversial one. Make them reload after each shot to stop the spamming body shot kills. You want a true one shot kill then it has to be a headshot.


    Honestly I disagree with everything you said here.

  4. And guys whatever I said back there, I didn't mean that. Sorry " Get Coopd on" about confusing everyone. My brother got a hold of my account and put a bunch of lies that I didn't mean to confuse people and make me look bad. So, don't start hating please, Also I don't think this is the only post he did this on. Sorry :sweat: I realized too late.

    I didn't start anything lol. i got accused of copying a thread when I made this completely on my own. It was a simple question because of the complete lack of evidence you had against me.


    But as you said it wasn't you who said that, so problem solved.

  5. 343 should make a map called Blood Gulch from halo combat evloved

    I agree. Although I think they should add more tunnels and such like they are doing with the Beaver Creek remake to make it less open.


    Why was pinnicle taken out of snipers and not swat? Plus swat has asylum, zealot and countdown. This makes absolutly no sense. Are they not played almost identically?

    Yea that doesn't make any sense to me either. And I just realized who you are lmao...


    You sure are angry at that guy who pwned you at Snipers the other day. Even resorted to a poll. Then again though, I almost agree with the action you've taken against sniper N00bs. Not anybody who picks up a sniper is though. :thumbsup:

    You sure don't know who you're talking to. I'm top 5 in snipers in the world. I don't get pwned by noobs lol.


    I have a tiny TV so i think they should take hemorrhage out!! lol

    Hah yea I used to play on like a 8 inch screen in Halo 2. It was like one of those mini tv's built for travel...Just use binoculars! lol

  6. The changes are good for sure, but the issue is how are they going to implement them into Matchmaking, into the already existing playlists. If they manage to do it right, its going to be a huge success.

    What do you mean how? They made one playlist like it, they can change the existing ones to the same settings if they wanted to.

  7. It's pretty awesome. I do think that 85% bloom is better than zero. It just doesn't give you that same feeling as if you really had the gun. :2guns: Ya' know? What I really don't like is how you're shields are weaker. I wish it could be like Halo 1 where it took three pummels. It just made much more sense.( It's just real weird to die with one puch to the face once your shields are down.) :vava:

    It hasn't been three beat downs since Halo 1 for a reason. It makes close range battles way too rediculous lol. Plus what would it change? People are still gunna beat down until they kill the other person. And what, would that make it so you needed to shoot a person twice in the body with a sniper in order to beat them down to kill them? That just wouldn't work.

  8. For all of you who believe that the pistol is overpowered. Go online on your xbox and look up the gamertag Konshens and look at my file share, download the video that is named For JAMESDH17 and watch it. It is about a minute long and shows you why the dmr is still better overall than the pistol. It is in zero bloom too. If you dont want to do that, ill upload the video on youtube in a little while just so you guys can see that you are wrong.


    Dude I don't need you to tell me how bloom works and why you think you're right. You're an idiot and my kd most definitely poops on your face.

  9. I am talking about the no bloom playlist, not normal games. I went to a custom games and compared the pistol with the dmr. I did a rapid fire test and a slightly paced shot, i'm not talking about bloom since it is removed, there is still a shot spread, i don't understand how you do not see that. All you have to do is go to a custom game that has no bloom use a non moving 2nd controller. Stand from close, then medium distance, then long and spam the trigger with both the dmr and pistol. The pistol will not kill in 4 shots 100 percent of the time. From close range the pistol will, from medium and long distance it will not, where as the dmr will kill in 5 no matter where. I can upload a video for you on youtube and link it to show you if you don't understand. That is why my argument from the beginning is that the pistol is not overpowered. If you play C.E. do the same thing. Stand close then medium then far. Don't use the scope and you will see that there is no bloom in either instant but the faster you shoot, the more likely you are to miss because there is bullet spread within the reticle. It will not land on the exact spot you aim at 100 percent of the time. AND orinigally my argument was that it was not overpowered because back in halo c.e. it was 3 shots and no one complained, so how can 4 shots be considered overpowered, when in halo 3 and halo 2, the br was 4 shots and again no one complained. AND I know there is no bloom is the zero bloom playlist but like i said above, do you not notice that when you spam the pistol it has bad bullet spread compared to the dmr. If you slow the shots down just a bit, not like you have to when you time your shots with bloom the way it is in normal playlists, but just enough so that it isn't fired in a way that you are spamming. You should notice a difference, if you don't then i will just have to upload a video to prove it..


    How can you say the pistol isn't overpowered? Lmao. I know you've been in some close-range battles with it where you died in half-a-second.


    The pistol is not okay this way, and I really hope it is nerfed soon

  10. The shield changes are my favorite change. That should definitely be implemented into the entire game.


    85% bloom is awesome but me and my three teammates agree that zero bloom is better.


    I really hope they add this into either Arena or MLG

  11. Halo 4 will not be released until 2012. I hope you meant CEA, which will be implementing Reach's multiplayer.

    I knew this would be misunderstood lol. I meant that the company isn't going to want to update Reach when it's getting close to Halo 4's release. So there needs to be updates NOW and frequently until they put all their focus into H4.


    You can't just release a game and then have all the bodies workin on the next one. There needs to be updates or it's no fun. Call of Duty has had like 4 more mappacks than Reach, whats that say about the Halo teams quest to better.

  12. Yea, the fact that there's people out there that jump off the map for 12 minutes straight really grinds my gears. I can't tell you how many times I've teabagged the kid yelling "Just QUIT!!"


    I know life is tough but that's why we invented videogames. To make it easier. So why do things on Halo have to be difficult!!


    Edit: I added in a suggestion for the Beam Rifle in the main post

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