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Slayer Of Flood

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Posts posted by Slayer Of Flood


    I would love to explain why I disagree... :)


    1. I love the midsize maps that are already put into Snipes. Uncaged's spawns and tower-camping antics are B.S. but I think that problem could be fixed with some attention/tweaks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Reflection. No easy spawnkilling with very unique angles for shots. It takes skill to be good at Reflection.


    2. Atom was a good sniper map although the spawnkilling was horrendous. Tower control on it was of the utmost importance but you could also skate by undetected bottom mid and behind the enemy's base if you were good/sneaky enough. It has already been removed from Team Snipers and I doubt it will be coming back so I'll just leave it at that.


    3. Some of those maps are just way too big and would inspire people to camp behind rocks in very obscure places. Thus leaving games to probably be guaranteed to end before anybody reached 30 kills. This is too slow and too boring for anyone to enjoy it. Paradiso especially was taken out for a reason. It was a VERY poorly designed map (Or poorly designed section of Forge World rather.)


    4. You can't take something that's not broken and change it drastically without a good reason. The 50 killcount to win is unique to Halo, and will ALWAYS 'be' Halo. I extremely disagree with this solely for the fact that 50 kills to win in Team Snipers has stayed that way since Halo 2.


    5. Sprint. What is wrong with sprint? Nothing. Lol. Camo. What is wrong with camo in Snipers? EVERYTHING lol. God camouflage is snipers would honestly make me never play Halo again. It would be a mess of people just shooting people undetected, and we all know it is absolutely impossible to see someone that has the maximum camo coverage. Even when you're right next to them. Hologram's are fine. They actually take skill to use sometimes and it isn't overpowered.


    6. I have absolutely no issue with secondary weapons simply because it takes skill to use them as well (most of the time). Plus you can't go a whole game using a pistol in Team Snipers and get away with a perfection. It just doesn't happen. Same with the shotgun. I also just think without an option to have a secondary weapon, games would be a lot more dull and boring than they already are. Grenades are iffy to me because I think it takes skill to use them as well. And it makes sense that a person holding a sniper with a secondary weapon might also have a grenade as a backup equipment to ensure their survival. These things are tools to help players survive. How or if you even utilize it is simply your own problem. HOWEVER if grenades were removed from Snipers, I wouldn't complain.


    7. This is just a rediculous idea that should've stayed in that thick skull of yours lol. One shot snipers might be an interesting custom game or a game variant in the aforementioned "fun" snipers playlist. But the regular snipers clip needs to stay the way it is or the game would honestly just become broken. Perhaps because I'd throw it out the window.


    Thanks you for a different insight Coopd. I appreciate the time you have taken to put in a well thought out reply. I agree point 7 should of stayed in " my thick Skull" and you have given me a different insight to some of my points. Some I agree with some I dont. I am glad atom is gone (I hated that map in snipes) and definately think Uncaged needs something done to it if it is to stay.

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  2. highlands snipers isnt to bad, i tried it in premium slayer though, not the team slayer playlist


    Agreed 5v5 Snipes on Highlands is pretty good but 75 kills to win is a little too much. I havent played a Snipes game on Highlands yet when a team can get the 75 kills in the time allowed.

  3. Search Good Connection, thats all you can do.


    But honestly, I have to say, since the TU update, it has been laggy. It is quite annoying. Me, living in NZ, games can be laggy anyways because the connection speeds here arn't great (I used to live in the UK so I know lol) so American's, Europeans, everyone else apart from the aussies get host over us and it is a major advantage.


    But this is quite stupid, you can't play a game with connection issues. They do need to do something, host migrations before the game has started is completly ridiculous, but then another 2-4 host migrations through out the game is just amazing. People eating shots like im chucking gummy bears at them, people lagging all over the place. It is stupid, please fix it!!!


    Lately i think most host migrations are more about players cheating to respawn vehicles and power weapons than bad connections.

  4. Sniping by nature is a covert and stealth. I would like to see the following added and deleted. IMHO.

    • All small maps like Uncaged and indoor maps like Reflection be removed.
    • Atom to be abolished forever from all playlists
    • Outdoor maps only (Pinnacle as the smallest) Paradiso, Utopie, Abridged, Renegade, Highlands, Tempest and Temptation, Hemmorage, Spire, Boneyard, Wayont and Trident would all be good.
    • Reduced team kill count to 25 or 30 kills. People will camp in snipers. It is what snipers do.
    • Cammo and Hologram to be the only AA.
    • No secondary weapon or grenades period.
    • And the real controversial one. Make them reload after each shot to stop the spamming body shot kills. You want a true one shot kill then it has to be a headshot.

  5. If you any grenade at people in amour lock then it will now dramatically reduce the duration/power of the armour lock. You will probably find that in your case someone else threw a frag grenade or a similtaneous grenade with the sticky that killed you and one reduced your armour lock to nothing and the sticky detonated similtaneously as your armour lock expired. Or something like that.

  6. maybe people complain about you because you aren't nice on xbox live. if you trash talk, betray, ect... people might report you. that may be why.


    Maybe they do Kurt. But they have mute bans for behaviour like that and I have never had a mute ban. As a group we have an idea which person had made the complaint, one of our mates we caught out manipulating the connection and using modded controllers so we dumped him from our friends list and avoided him in games, but my point is that they just ban it on a complaint and 343 or Microsoft dont acutally look as to whether the tag is offensive or not.

  7. some are obvious swear words, and they dont get banned smh

    Agree 100% there. I have seen Service Tags that most would find offensive but I dont lodge complaints. It seems now that if someone lodges a complaint then your tag is offensive and no one at 343 acutally looks into it to see if the Service tag is really offensive or not. SO the rule must be you can get away with it until someone complains.


    What really ****s me is we have no right of reply and no proper channel to lodge a complaint with when it happens and then you have to come up with another tag and all your mates have to get used to it again in games.

  8. I dont know if any of you have noticed lately but Halo reach service tags have been banned presumably from a complaint from someone you owned in a game. I dont know if a human being actually looks at these complaints but i have had several mates changed recently with no explaination and a complete blockout of the old service tag from Halo matchplay. I mean come on 343 how could these 4 service tags be offensive. FLUD,GRIM,DEV and FAIL. Anyone else had or seen this problem and had their service tag banned and replaced with H488 without any reason from a truely non offensive tag.

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