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Posts posted by SkullWarriors

  1. I think it will be great. Firefight was awesome, but Spartan Ops will most likely be more fun. New DLC per month :)

    they said it wont be DLC, it will just appear in the spartan ops section of the game, on a weekly basis. like when new playlists are added to reach, you don't have to download them, they change automatically when you start the game up. so you won't need to worry about having enough money to buy the new spartan ops every week :)
  2. plus spartan ops: oh halo is just copying cod with spartans ops! all they did was replace special with spartan! guess what? cod doesnt own the word ops! ops is short for operations, which are REAL things! special operations, or spartan operations. either way, both games are using a real thing and implementing them into their game. the only difference, is that 343 is letting you do these operations as your own spartan, and multiplayer is training you for the operations. so anybody who says that spartans ops is just cod's spec ops with the word spartan instead of special, just ignore them. let them troll and believe whatever they want, while we wait for an awesome game to come out.

  3. Hey, whenever Absolute Dog or One has the time, can you download the screenshots from my file share? My GT is Your Happy Dino


    I got my map turned in to Absolute Dog, thanks to Vitamin PWN, but I just need someone to get my screenshots out of my file share, manually.

    Hey i could go to your file share and take a picture of them with my phone, it's pretty good quality! I'll do it if ya want. :)
  4. Hey, could Absolute Dog or One go into my file share, and download my maps? I love in Las Vegas so the times are very different and you guys are usually not online i have noticed and I just need my maps checked out so i figured i'd tell you here. I have the screenshots on my phone, and Ill transfer them to my computer in a minute, but please check out my file share the files are right on top.

  5. i use to agree with people about how halo 4 is seeming like halo 4, but what the hell was i thinking? your right halo is nothing like cod besides the fact they're both fps. i "lol"ed at the allstate reference, haha, and it's true too! I hope halo 4 has better sales than any other game, but i don't think it will happen... i used to be addicted to cod, it was all i played, but one day i put in reach for some memories and it was awesome, i didn't complain about the aiming mechanism, how long it took to kill people, and it took me off my addiction to cod IMMEDIATELY!!! i've only played cod a couple times since then, and i'm glad. i probably would have broke my xbox if i never got back into halo. cod is addicting because of how easy it is to kill people, you feel as if your the best by killing people so easily, that it blinds you from the fact that little skill is actually involved. Halo has always been different, it takes skill to continuously fire at an opponent, and getting a killing spree is always a smile on anybody's face, which is something that cod can barely ever do. i agree with everything that you said, it was all true. 7hnx!

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