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Status Updates posted by ItsMrDeath2You

  1. i think that if 343 dose add to the armory like im suggesting they should add the roumored red visor(why not we have a blue one), and the hybusa, scout, and rouge helmets from halo 3 to reaches armory in a new map pack that features Zanzibar, Valhala and Construct.

  2. the day the map pack comes out every one gets an update that allows them to see the new armor items, but they will remain locked untill the map pack is purchesed and some requirement is fulfilled, by doing somting on one of the new maps. when reach first came out there was a roumor that there would be a red visor in the armory. 343 should add that roumored red visor (there is already a blue)and

  3. It takes 10,000,000cr to complete your reach armory, but it takes 20,000,000 to get to the highest rank, also you can keep earning cr even after you get to inheritor. so what do you do with all the extra cr. i suggest that since bungie was adding other things to map packs, 343 keeps in that tradition and expands the armory with the next map pack. the day the pack comes out everyone gets and update

  4. so i propose that 343 puts out another reach map pack that has remakes off older halo maps that are imposibile or at least insanly hard to get right with forge. I would like to see Valhala, Construct, and Zanzibar in a new map pack.

  5. ...same for example halo 2's lock out. when you build lock using forge it may look similar to the original, but if you have every thing lined up corretly you will not be able to jump from the top of the br tower to the lowest level near the sword spawn. or elongation is another good example of jump that were crucial to navigation on the original map being messed up with in the reach forge version.

  6. there are a few maps in halo's past that are hard to replicate exactly with the forge. one reason is that you can not edit the groud. which you make building the caves from halo 3's valhala really hard. another issue with forge is the peices that were add to help remake maps have proportions that are not true to the original, which in turn changes the navigation of the the map even though it may..

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