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Dean PHD

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Posts posted by Dean PHD

  1. Its been a while since I have been on here. A few new ideas have been posted over the past 3 weeks.


    Load out camera picture used when showing game description would help a ton. I have a ton of custom games but half of them I have to pull up before I play them because the name and description suck. I good picture of the map is the most helpful thing.


    Still not sold on space yet unless it is just a dark forgable area with 5-10% gravity. You can pretty much turn gravity off and slow movement way down to get this same effect so I don't know what the big deal is. Still don't like the idea of having giant UNSC ships like Autumn and Dawn or covenant cruisers. To much disc space for very little use. Same with the scarab.


    Altering terrain should be easy but its not. It looks easy when you see it in other games because the graphics are crap and you have little to no movement on those custom spots (Tiger Woods Golf custom courses).



  2. dean phd is the one who said it.


    I did. I did say it. haha

    I am done with this thread.


    If we get modding then so be it. I can stop 343 if that what they want to do. I don't work for them.


    I just know how Modding, like I said before can get out of hand when people who do not know how to do it properly, screw things up.


    Anyways Mr Eos. Good luck with your life. Hopefully, you will confine yourself to this thread and leave the rest of this great community alone though.


    Peace out Patients

  3. If you can do it with the skull on then no big deal. I don't really consider it as a super advantage anyway. The single player campaign is all about just that. The single player. If you want to do it with the skull great. No skull, great. Don't worry about others, just focus on improving your own skills and destroying n00bs and you will be fine.

  4. what happens when the zombies turn out to be different in real life then how they are in movies? for all you know you will have to shoot them in the crotch and headshots will make them stronger. keep an open mind when fighting zombies for the first time...and even if you survive the zombies you might not survive the winter....thats where the lumberjack comes in......


    Fantastic point. It is important to keep a list of survival priorities and adjust them based upon the type of zombie outbreak you might be facing.


    Keep an open mind. That is Priority #1.

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  5. There is a lot of rage directed at bungie about halo:reach. Bungie said they were only trying to create the game they wanted to create from the beginning. Regardless of what you currently think of them, they gave us Halo and for that alone everyone should be grateful.

  6. The Prophet of Truth wanted a genocide for the entire human race so that the religion of the covenant would not look to the humans as gods. More or less.


    The other opinion is he wanted to get inside the ark in Halo 3 and fire the rings erasing all life but himself from the galaxy.

  7. You find convincing evidence that aliens exist! Governments of the world begin to research space age technology banding together to bring us to the technology age of the Halo Universe! Hooray!!!


    Unfortunately the timing of your discovery is all wrong, which brings about us discovering the flood earlier that expected. Master Chief is not yet born and the flood destroys all life and the galaxy and we are all screwed. Way to go with the alien discovery!



    I wish I knew exactly when and how I am going to die.

  8. If the scenario is exactly as listed above this is how I would do things. If it were say a zombie Apocalypse the order of my list of priorities would change drastically as well as additional things being added in.




    1. Find food and water source.

    -Can be achieved by relocating to a safe location near a large clean river in the Northern US. Fish and animals that come to drink from river will be a renewable source of meat. Water will be available from the river as well. Trash can be bundled and sent down stream to avoid polluting the area immediately around location.


    2. Find and preserve different forms of energy.

    -The river can also be used with a generator to run electricity in the fortress that I will construct. Gasoline and Natural Gas will also be brought to a safe location, close to the base. A wind turbine will also be constructed for additional energy.


    3. Construction of a Safe House/Fortress.

    -Think giant forerunner structure haha. All construction materials at your disposal, and top of the line security equipment and appliances. Ok, most likely will find an existing structure in a desirable location as described above and simply fortify it.


    4. Weapons and vehicles

    -Protection and Hunting (anyone see Will Smith hunting in I am Legend?)

    -Vehicles needed: Fast car of some kind with good safety rating and fuel efficient (don't waste your resources needlessly.) Motorcycle for quick light travel. Large Truck/SUV with off road capability as well as towing and hauling found supplies. Semi truck or similar that can transport construction equipment also a trailer that will be turned into portable home for extended trips. Fishing boat for river and barge for transporting goods and equipment across the river. As roads deteriorate over time the SUV will most likely become the main transportation vehicle.


    5. Broadcast and Search

    -Set up a broadcast tower to broadcast information to survivors.

    *Key- broadcast a remote meeting location that you have under surveillance via video cameras and wire taping. This place will have lights and power and have a bright light beacon to draw people to it. Once survivors arrive you can determine if their mental state (no crazies allowed at my place) and if they are just out for your resources.


    6. Entertainment and learning

    -Anything your heart desires. Lots of gaming, watching movies, golf (will require mowing.) Teach yourself how to fly a plane or helicopter. Good for transportation. Can't land? Skydive. Seriously who cares where the plane crashes. Find another plane and skydive somewhere close to home.


    7. Maintain Sanity.

    -Keep pets and farm animals for companionship as well as food purposes (milk, cheese, eggs). Find and watch old broadcasts of the news to feel as though you are having some human interaction. Read a lot of books. Everyone is a little different so different people will try different things.

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