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Nice Gnome

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Posts posted by Nice Gnome

  1. COD has bloom. Halo has never had it and shouldn't have it now. So many people who are good can be killed with a 5 shot spam. Bloom tells you to slow down your shots to encourage more COD kids to play reach. Halo is great without bloom because it makes you land all of your shots, instead of 4 pulls to the body and 1 to the head. I think Bloom was designed for people who got severely out-BR'd in H2 & H3.

  2. Back the H2 ranking system. The only problem/fault in it was the cheating & that's a thing of the past due to upgraded ban-hammers. On H2 there was a skill difference between a 20 & a 40. H3 however made a 50 attainable in 1 or 2 days. Very few had legit 50's on H2.

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