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Posts posted by Vaeryk

  1. I play mostly big team and the main thing that frustrates me about it is how unbalanced it is. I'm talking about weapons and vehicles. It doesn't matter what map it is the weapon spawns are completely random which either leaves one side with all of the overpowered weapons and the other with nothing. For example on deadlock one side will have two shock rifle spawns and a hydra spawn while the other will have a ****ty 3 shot sniper spawn, a shock pistol and a sentinel beam. (Also side note that 3 shot red sniper doesn't compare to the other snipers which take only one headshot to kill someone. Either trash it or do something better with it.) Anyways back to the main point, what's wrong to going back to the old way of doing things where weapons and gear had a set place? That actually made the game fun and strategic, you could plan out your moves and coordinate better with teammates and most of all not feel like you were getting ****** in the ass by stupid RNG.

               Now the vehicles are just as bad, initially you either get two warthogs some mongoose and a wasp (only on high-power obviously) but the dropping in vehicles is absolutely horrendous. There is never any balance to it, one side will get a tank while the other gets a rocket hog or a gungoose. How about instead of dropping the heavy vehicles out in front of the base where the entire other team is waiting for your stupid ass to sit there waiting for the vehicle to drop we instead put it on an actual set spot next to each base with a 3 minute respawn timer like the other halos had it. You can still drop in vehicles but don't favor either side just drop them in the middle. Just don't drop in tanks and wraiths those are more strategic vehicles and should be used likewise.    (Another side note the Banshee is the worst vehicle in the game, weren't covenant weapons and vehicles supposed to be far superior to human versions but instead we're left with this turd that couldn't kill a parked mongoose with one strafing run let alone a spartan who's moving and gunning you down. Any experienced player that sees that thing will leave it where it belongs in the dirt. I don't even shoot at it when it's flying around bc that's one less moron I have to fight. So instead how about we make the bomb do increased AOE damage and actually kill someone with one shot and also make the plasma guns kill faster than a wasp bc while a wasp can just hover there and shoot you the Banshee is always moving forward and so will need to readjust it's position to get a good shot again.) 

           Honestly in all fairness did anyone in 343 actually think or plan out the spawns of weapons and vehicles or did you really think making it completely random would make the game fair and fun for all. There's a reason the other halos were great and fun to play. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Keep the original formula.

  2. The ban system needs to be taken out until you've fixed all the issues with crashing and matchmaking issues. It's absolute bull**** that I get punished for your broken ****. It makes it not worth playing, they're are so many other games out there that you could learn from instead of using an outdated mechanic like the ban hammer. 

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