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Matt Johnsen

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  1. A price drop is not a good sign this early into a release, not on any stretch of the imgagination. Even $20 is is something unheard of. the Xbox one just came out. when you go to gamestop what are the games with the earliest price drop, most often times the ones that suck. it's because they made so many but none are selling, they are lossing money having them sit around. so they droped the price $20 to bring in more buyers, but this isnt a good thing. think "Why are they droping the price only a few month after launching?" Simple answer Microsoft is in deep crap...
  2. "Following what seemed like a successful Xbox One launch, Microsoft seems to be attempting to push ahead of Sony in the race" Yeah... i dont buy it. Microsoft didnt have any sense of a "successful" launch this just follows what i have already been saying. they are pushing advertizement like crazy because they are going broke. go read what i posted on this other forum to read more about why they are going broke and why this sounds like a load of garbage. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28975-halo-5-for-the-pc-ps4/
  3. Hello I just found this forum researching whether Halo would come out on PSN or not. I think it’s a matter of time. I, being an Xbox enthusiast an very upset with the current direction of Microsoft and am unwilling to pay a company that takes away the choice from its customers. I think that’s why people are so upset. -EC-Kingpin: I think a good portion of the negative image associated with the Xbox One is undeserved. -EC-Kingpin I believe your incorrect. Why would everyone be hating if there wasn’t something to hate about? I’m upset because I know better; I do research about anything that I buy. I see game systems as an investment of time and fun and money. I poured so much into the Xbox system and now all that money means nothing within the next year or so. Ignorance is people biggest down fall the less people know the less they have to fight with. I however know quite a bit about why Microsoft is doing what they are doing and that’s why I am upset. I can see the halo franchise being sold over to Sony within the next 3-6 years may be less depending on how fast Microsoft drops the ball. In fact I will go out on a limb with something very big “only because I’m confident in my knowledge of the situation” That within 3-8 years there won’t be an XboxLive Service and a PSN Service, that they will merge to one network’ One single console with one single main network that in the end Sony will win. Each console war hasn’t been a war, but a battle that Sony has had time to be patient and thought full of their choices. You know that old story “slow and steady wins the race” The evidence is all around; all you need to do is find it. Microsoft, as large as that company is, they can still fail. Not just small companies have troubles, all do. Look at Lucas arts studios just got bought be Disney. Microsoft just sold their 10 year exclusive Mojang contract over to Sony as well as Selling their Microsoft office programs to Sun Microsystems and don’t forget that they are sell their operating system over to Sony as well. Microsoft stocks are almost at their lowest point. On top of that Microsoft looks to be filing for bankruptcy. So it’s just a matter of time before they fall apart and Sony will pick up the pieces. The biggest reason I didn’t buy the Xbox one is because I won’t invest in a system that looks like it won’t be supported within the next 3-8 years. With no backward compatibility and no plans for it, Microsoft seems to be squeezing everything out of its customer’s right before the end “I mean their filing for bankruptcy” so they can break even. Oh side note Microsoft is in big trouble and debt to the US Government. Remember when all those car companies went out of business. That’s what is happening here. So in Short yes Halo has a defendant possibility to be on PlayStation.
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