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  1. Yes it is a big deal. Chief's face has always been a big deal. There are a significant amount of people who don't want to see it for various reasons. If this is only Halo 4, and we still have 5 and 6 to go what does that mean for Chief's identity? It's only the first game and we've already seen so much of Chief between the trailers and not this abomination of a legendary ending. It seems developers are in a competition to see who can piss off their fans the most. First ME3, then AC3 and now Halo 4.
  2. *********SPOILER ALERT******************* As you may know, Halo 4's ending was a glimpse of Master Chief's face. Now why would 343i put something so hotly debated into the game. Most people I talk to don't ever want to see his face, I certainly don't. You can't put a face to him because no matter what it will be disappointing. The mystery of Master Chief is what made him such an iconic character. For the past 11 years, we've known his face to be his helmet and nothing more. To show his face is like changing his appearance in a way. Seeing his face is like reading a good book and having a great image of a character only for it to be ruined by the movie. Seeing as many people never want to see his face, the fact that 343i put his face in the legendary ending is an insult. There is no warning, it was just like BAM here's his face whether you like it or not. I am extremely bothered by this and the fact that 343i has already shown this much in ONLY their first game is even more bothering. Next thing you know Halo 5 will open up with Master Chief in normal cloths with no suit on in the first cutscene. Stop showing him. I know him as a man in a suit and that's all I ever want to know him as...A badass man in a suit who I have no idea what he looks like.
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