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ExO (ExOGenesis Gaming) Recruitment Thread! Join now!

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ExOGenesis Gaming(ExO) is recruiting for the 360 ONLY! (If you have the ONE, Let us know, and we will sort something out.
We are the Iconic Gaming community/clan for gamers today!
We have everything that adapts to everyones needs.
We strive on the hardwork and dedication that everyone puts into the community as a whole. Our main goal is to provide YOU with the ultimate Gaming Experience; and that, I believe we succeed at.

We what have to offer:
What Game do you play most? Doesn't matter, we play all!
Active and Friendly Staff and Members
Organized Rank Structure for success
Award System
Active, Friendly Forums
Family Atmosphere
Community Events - In-Tournaments – Clan Battles
Design Teams for all your Design needs.
Event Staff - News Team
Members Worldwide
Competitive and Casual Opportunities for ALL Gamers!
And Much More….

Currently Supported Games:
Black ops 2
Grand Theft Auto 5

Halo 4/Reach

Future Supporting Games:
Battlefield 4
Potential Xbox One Games

We are always open for suggestions if you have ideas! We want to hear them! Want to build a new division and have the ideas for it? Let us know!
We are 100% Always wanting to expand.

If you are interested in joining the fun along with everyone else, Register @ http://www.anvlive.comand put ExO Reaper 7 as your referrer!
See you there!

IF you are interested in joining; GREAT! We would love to have you! Have any friends that want to join too? Awesome! We have room for them too.

We are also Sponsored by Cinch Gaming Controllers, No Scope Gaming Glasses, and Blacksun Graphics

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