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A Halo RECAP and Review Multiplayer


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I first played Halo when it was released on 15 november 2001 when i was 9 years old and have played the halo series ever since, everytime each sequel was released it brought industry ground breaking gameplay and replay value, Halo 2 was a console choser for 100 000s of people, Halo 3 in the same situation!, the introduction to FORGE and to have control of what seemed like "modders" powers. ODST bringing Firefight to the picture ( not a very solid game was more of a transitioner/funder imo ) , Halo Reach tieing in all the goodness of the pre halos trim away the bad, improvments to the visuals, animations, new additions, better flow and was a outstanding release!


Here we have Halo 4 - it offers everything that all the other Halo's pocess, some new modifications to the new additions, some updated visuals, GUI changes. Now as I recall all the Halo's have released something new to offer the consumers, which was why the Halo Franchise was a more inticapated franchise for consumers. What has Halo 4 brought to the table this release?


The New Battlerifle ( Awesome 10/10 )

Downgraded Forge mode ( where's forge world? 1/10 )

New Weapons ( Great always love new things 8/10 )

Armor Abilities ( Real cool 7/10 )

Dominion ( a outstanding new gametype release 10/10 )

Mantis ( everyone loved Mech Assualt 7/10 )

Spartan Ops for Firefight ( I will refer to the Old El Paso Taco commercial " why not both " 1/10 )


Now if I'm not mistaken some new weapons and vehicles seems not like much of a new game? I think it's been done before? oh wait this just in? IT HAS?!?! the COD SERIES already did this? oh okay..


The fact that this is the exact same game as reach does suprise me enourmously, I was expecting this game to be a solid nice release because of the company switch to 343 with a lot of the old employees staying also.


So let's compare this to Reach


visuals are nicer in Halo 4

multiplayer ranking system much more rewarding in Halo Reach

nostalgia Halo Reach

New content Halo Reach

Forge Halo Reach

Replay Value Halo Reach


Halo Reach a better release than Halo 4 by about 1.5x.


I've invested a great amount of multiplayer time ( sr 39 ) into Halo 4 and during that time had not really came across more Halo Players to add to my friends list, the game turned more into a solo play where ya you can play with friends but if you wanna find some more to play with well that's going to be a problem.


I could go on for pages about why Halo 4 was a bad release and should have been revised a lot more before releasing and probably delayed for another year while the devs try to come up with something new for the consumers to enjoy.


So to make a long story short


overall game experience = 5/10


I did not know that a change in the name of a company would mean becoming a sell out.



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If your going to do a review, try not half a__ing it. It makes you look bad, not the game your judging. Just some advice


Fixed read the caps at the top of the thread-


and to reply to your comment I'd love to do a review on a battle rifle but i dont think i could get it past 2 sentences of actual review and not 6 pages of filler.

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