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Are the Halo novels good/appropriate for a 39 year old man? nt


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No they're absolutely at a higher level of reading and totally appropiate for adults. They're written amazingly. I'm only 18 but I can tell you for sure that they're a great read. You can go to amazon.com and search them up and see previews of the insides of them if that helps. I recommend picking up Halo: The Fall of Reach first because it is the first book in the Halo Saga.

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the best way to know for yourself is to read at least one of them (THE FALL OF REACH) and dicide for yourself, but if ya like the games story line youll at least like the books, im 27 and if i dont have the time to sit down and read the books i listen to the audiobook and i read/listen to the whole series at least once a mounth and it hasnt lost any of my interest. as far as it being geared for a younger audiance, it ways more towards older readers if not mature younger readers

just check it out odds are youll read the whole series

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