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A complete, Personal Wishlist


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Halo 4 Super Wishlist


I have a massive wishlist that cant fit into others threads. Im new to the forums but I love halo and have played it for awhile. Sorry if its not organized very well, but it is alot and none of it is crazy stuff that would stop Halo from being Halo.


1. Social and Competitive playlist separation- There are 2 main types of players, those who want to be the best and play to win, and those who play for fun. Separating them is extremely important, as the 2 types dont like playing with each other. Tryhards dislike casual players who mess around instead of winning. Causal players dont understand why the tryhards want to win so badly.


2. Ranking and leveling- There needs to be 3 forms of progression:

--1st. An experienced based leveling, like Reach's credit system. You gain experience points for doing anything; kills, assists, flag caps, bomb defuses, etc. This is mainly to show how long you have been playing, while good players will level up fast at the beginning, by midways levels will begin to even out. This is also for casual players, to have something to show for playing.

--2nd. A performance based ranking, a form of the H2 and H3 1-50 ranking system. This is for competitive players, where your level can only be increased by winning in the competitive playlists. It is an overall player ranking were only the best players can reach the top levels by defeating others.

--3rd. A rating for how good you are at any given playlist. This is only in competitive playlists but should not be a copy of the 1-50 ranking system. Instead I feel like it should be a S through F rating. By winning you can increase your playlist ranking until you reach the rate S or whatever the best is.

The point of having 3 forms of progression are to show what kind of player you are. If someone asks, what your stats for slayer are, you can reply 40 General B and they would know how long youve played for, how good you are overall, and how good you are at the playlist. So you can also see the difference between a 20 Colonel B and a 20 seargent B.


3. High level of armor customization- Every part of the spartan and elite should be customizable. From the gauntlets, to your backpack, to the guns. The more variation, the more your spartan feels like you. Also, do not bunch up armor pieces, like how the Artificial Arm comes with other chest pieces. If you dont like the chest pieces, your forced to wear them to get the arm. A good "armor piece" would be to remove the armor itself.

Also, create some form of specific weapon customization. Like different models, different camos, etchings on the gun, etc. To add even more flair. So weapons you spawn with have these personal changes to them (only ascetic).


4. Customization based on ability- Armor pieces should be unlocked based on achievements/challenges/ accomplishments. Like getting 10 sniper kills in a game unlocks the recon helmet. This way, your armor shows off your personal accomplishments, and you have to work for the armor you want to obtain. The way Reach works now, armor only shows off your leveling, which everyone knows already. Quite stupid really. AND its rather random to when you unlock armor, pieces are randomly scatter through levels which creates discrimination for low level pieces that look just as good as later pieces.

But now your armor can show off how good you are with having to check your stats. Some games are entirely based off customizing and showing off your avatar, having this option will bring alot of people back to Halo. And earning pieces makes them feel more valuable.


5. Casual and Competitive Firefight- Casual firefights are fun and can cause nothing but laughter! But people also love testing how good they are against tough AIs, like in CoD:BO Zombies. That is a huge part of why CoD has done so well, and Halo has the same potential. Please make 2 playlist for firefight, one in Social thats fun, and one in competitive that starts easy and scales to be tougher and tougher.


6. New gamemodes- New gamemode need full support, like invasion. And if you have the time, new modes are always appreciated and helps to keep the game fresh.


7. No bloom- Bloom was not a part of the original halos and rewards randomness. 9/10 players hate it and its partly responsible for Reach falling from grace. Really, there is almost no argument for it. It feels like bungie wanted to include CoD mechanics since Mw2 had become so popular, and it screwed up Reach. Everyone has had times were bloom has screwed them out of a kill. Its a bad mechanic.


8. No armor abilities- AAs could have been brilliant, but in reach they failed. At this time, the majority of players want Halo3 or halo2 back, and dont ever want to see armor abilities again. If they are brought back, they could be viewed as contaminating Halo4. Maybe they could return in Halo5 or Halo6, but Halo4 CANNOT have them.


9. Power-ups- Having camo and overshield strategically placed added a great amount of depth and strategy to the game. Turning them into armor abilities (armor lock and camo) gave every person that power, which unbalanced the game. And also created campers.


10. Expanded Forge (MUST HAVE COLOR!)- I dont use forge much so I dont know what the forging community would like. In reach, forge is literally almost perfect! The only thing needed is color. Which I bet everyone has said atleast once.


11. Spectator mode ingame- There must be either 1 or 2 slots for spectators for each game. This is mainly for competitive tourneys and MLG. Also, players could possible select to be a spectator to watch how others play and learn from them. But the main focus is for competitive play.

Please check how Gears of War 3 did it, with available cameras on all players AND an amazing ghost cam. The ghost cam is what is most needed, to make viewing halo more like viewing sports instead of watching a single player.


12. Upgraded ingame scoreboard- Please update the scoreboards so they show more than just kills and deaths. They should show: kills, deaths, assists (in slayer), flag caps, flag returns, bomb plants, bomb defuses, rank, level, rating, number of infections, if your in a vehicle, if your dead, etc. The idea is it gives important information which good players can use to change their playstyle. Such as seeing one person doing all the objective work on the other team, then you can make the decision about what to do to stop him. A good example from CoD:BO:




13. Upgraded killfeed- Also, please update the killfeed. Halo has the WORST killfeed in gaming right now! The players dont need lines of text scrolling across a screen, and we dont need everything to appear in the same place. So, symbols should be used instead. Being specific and concise is best, so different symbols should be used for assassinations, backsmacks, and melees. This way, if someone is running around with a power weapon, all the good players will know. Here are a couple of examples:




Another important part of this is displaying important information and medals in its own space. So earning sprees and rapid kills are now displayed via the highlighted medal to all players. This is really helpful for teammates, to know if someones is doing very well, and for the other team, to know if someone on the other team is becoming a huge problem. Also, rapid kill medals should not be displayed until you run out of time to continue the line of medals. This way, good players cannot abuse the feed and hide from players when one person has a triple and is looking for the overkill. Showing these medals makes players want to obtain them and show off how good they are. Also, do not show easy medals such as lasers, melees, headshots, etc.


14. Penalty for leaving- There needs to be a penalty for leaving. Barely any game in reach keeps all players until the end, especially in BTB. So there should be a weak penalty for every time you leave or dashboard out, like losing EXP. Or there should be a heavy penalty for quiting multiple times a day/week, like 3 leaves in a day deranks you.


15. Forge playlist- This is the most important addition. Forge is a wonderful tool that is close to copying PC modding. Having the community constantly adding to the game will ensure that it has a long wonderful life time. HaloCE is still used for this on computer 10 years later, imagine Halo4 lasting that long with the current games coming out. The best way to do that is to have 2 social playlists:

--1st. Maps and Gametypes are submitted by community members, 1 per person. The best are chosen and are featured for 1-2 weeks in this playlist. Players get to vote whether they liked the map or the gametype. Limits should be made for what is acceptable to submit. If this gets popular there might need to be a screening process so employees arent overwhelmed by the submissions. Or whoever looks at the submissions.

--2nd. A 'Golden Games" playlist that has favorites from the tester playlist.


16. Return of assassinations- assassinations add a fun flair to the game that inspires people to try and outsmart and flank their opponents. But a few things need to be changed:

--1. Assassinations should have an ability to be turned off in the controller/setting menu. Pros find it very frustrating.

--2. Assassinations should have new versions that unlock like other armor pieces. They should be equipable, but only have a certain amount of slots so players must choose which of their favorites they want to use.

--3. If you can choose which assassinations to use, please make some faster or slower than others. Right now the speed of some seem very slow, and people have different tastes. Some just want to get it done, others want to embarrass the other player.


17. Clean campaign- Just, no silent sniper missions please. They are over used, and Spartans are not fun to play when theyre suppose to be "quiet." Half the fun of the Halo games is getting to destroy gigantic weapons and space stations because you can.


18. Community website- Please make waypoint or some website the center of EVERYTHING halo. For noobs, casuals, forgers, pub stompers, montagers, GB players, semi-pros, and MLG pros. Because CoD has that right now, and is a central reason why its become so popular. I might just be stupid and it already exists and I havent found it yet.


19. Skulls- They are awesome. Halo CEA seems to have the best blend, although some of them make legendary less of a challenge.


20. Beta- having a Beta gets the game out there and helps to fix many glitches. Reach is almost free of issues that plague other games because of the Beta, and it also got alot of new people to buy it. When the game came out 1million people were online, that publicity is crazy.


21. 343i support- Please please please give Halo4 crazy support! The difference between game quality is obvious when the developer supports what they made. If bungie had given full support to Reach, it would have turned out much better than it has. HaloCEA is a great remake and shows that you guys can do work. Please continue to do your best to make Halo4 the King of FPS again.


22. MLG Pros support- These guys base their lives on your game, most have been playing since HaloCE. Go to them for help on map designs, so that they are balanced and can be used in the competitive scene. The Hang 'Em High remake could really have used this help, since its spawns are horrible and one-sided.


23. No map pack achievements- I find it frustrating and a cheap business idea. The point of an achievement is to say "I did this!" and most DLC achievements are crap.


24. Return of Theater- Halos theater is perfect, just want it to return in all of its glory.


25. Muting- The perma mute option is strange. Sometimes i just mute everyone because I want quiet, not because theyre doing anything wrong.


26. Weekly Challenges- The idea behind them is good, but it doesnt reflect players ability. Instead, a reward system for doing things online would be better, like the BF3 ribbon and medal reward system. This could be even linked into the armory, by getting a reward or a certain amount of rewards you can unlock armor. As long as players strive to do more than get kills in the game, the reward system works.


27. Movement speed- Please bring this back up to the original Halos. Reach is just too slow.


28. Noob support- There must be support for new players. CoD:BO combat training was amazing, either there must be something in game or community built to help. Otherwise new players will leave when they get constantly destroyed.


29. Matchmaking and story universe tie in- It would be awesome if there was a universe tie in for why were fighting each other in matchmaking. Check out how Assassins Creed did it for their mulitplayer.


30. Living dead/zombies- This is one of the favorite playlists on Reach and it has gotten almost no love. Please make sure its supported in Halo4.


31. RoosterTeeth- These guys are amazing. If you worked closer with them, Halo4 will become the best game of 2012 or whenever its released. They have all kinds of innovative ideas, and their Red vs Blue series carries alot of weight with the community. They also work their butts off. One HUGE thing:

--> Red vs Blue Firefight voices. Really, this would be amazing.<--


32. Player Card- Allowing customization of the player card is also cool. It allows more flair and more personalization that everyone loves in games. Also, players stats cannot be hidden like they are in Reach. People want to scout lobbys, please have the rank, level, and playlist rank for the current playlist on the player card or their ribbon on the board when scrolling through people. Its frustrating how the only way to see how good people are is in commendations, and thats hidden by like 3 menus.


33. Assists- Assist medals should only be rewarded for doing 50% or more damage without getting the kill. But you should get experience equal to the amount of damage you did. So if you get 10 exp per kill, and you do 30%, you get 3 exp but no medal. This is another aspect from BF3 and it feels like you dont get cheated when a teammate gets the kill.



A few things to 343i, please make the game as good as possible. Even if that means delaying the game, do it. Only idiots dont understand that delaying a game a day makes it last a week longer. This list comes from my time on Reach, my close friends who have been playing far longer than me, MLG pros, and other community members. Incorporating ANY of these ideas will drastically improve Halo, and doing them all will boost Halo back to the legendary level it was at before.

I hope someone from 343i eventually reads this.


Oh, and one cool idea, Nutshots. This should be possible and have an obtainable medal. Because, its awesome and comparing how many nutshots you have with friends would be crazy.



Sorry if I've broken any rules on the server or if my grammar is bad.

Thanks for reading <3



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Great Ideas.

Here is my personal wishlist and yes it is very long. Bear with me on this: (Sorry for any repeats and poor grammar, I wrote this last year and do not want to again)


An idea from saintsfire: An interface like the emblem creator except with the helmet where you get the raw form and then decide all the attatchments and accessories that went on maybe even other armor pieces like hayabusa.


Full Effect Invasion:

This is a list of the ideas I belive wold make a gametype so god that COD will be blown off its throne. Please ass your own ideas, even iff you think its too crazy too work. Halo was made through ideas thought to be the same.Too crazy to work. But they did...

1. Have maps that span both space and land.If I am needed to attack a cruser to save my objective, I can grab a pelican and some buddys and overload its engines.Or if my job is to defend it until it can glass the objective, that can happen. Add drop pods as well.


2. Two sided winning. If there is a ship attacking let the defenders attack it andtake it out and reversing the fight. But give the attackers one last chancrtoturn battle around.This would cause an unparelled realizm to the combat, as if it was happening.


3. AI integreated gamplay. This would let you have such a huge map without lag and it would add a better effect to it. I would love fighting with hunters and ODST online. This would hopefully be the thing that lets you put in phantoms, pelicans, scarbs and everything else.


4.Realistic objectives. Add in things that would happen in the halo universe. Forerunner objectives, such as shield barriers like the ones in Halo 3's mission "The Covenant". Ships like Forward Unto Dawn, of realistic saze and interactions. Let the Covenant use glassing beams and the UNSC use MAC cannons to distroy objectives. If I have to press a button to activate something in campagin, shouldn't I do it online? I press RB and my character moves his/her hand and presses it. Thats all I can think of. in this catigory. Pkease add on.


5.Custom Maps for this gametype need to be ground up, like in custom edition. Have things such as a cruser in the spawning index. Let it be some be senery, to make it look likea fleet, and others be realistic and have full acsess, as if it was realy there.Let players be able to make anything that was seen in the campaigns. If I want to recreate the mission "The Ark" pebble for pebble ans have the same interations (the

Dawn coming from space for example) I could, but with online play.Make the building and moving doors be apart of the spawn index. I recommend using different section to store everything in, so I can find theoption to spawn it in the "forerunner buildings" section. Please no budget, Its too hard to add deatils with limited Budget. Players have always said that the maps madein custom edition were the best in existance.


6.Lighting, weather and nature. If I want a that is in the night, I can do it. Also let the weather effect combat. (wind that effects sniping, but the SCOUT armor varient can tell you where to shoot.) If the SPARTAN program was real the armor woud tell the soilder EVERYTHING about his enviroment. Plus, random indigios animals would add more realism to the battlefield.If possable add in waves,storms and other ambient effects.


7. Highly interactive maps. If Iwanto place a bomb behind me in the ship to take out a few enemys, I can ram it into the wall. If I want to jam a door until it is distroyed I can shoot the control panel. If I wat to make a barrrier I can. PS, make most parts of a map destroyable that way a bomb going off will behave realisticly and if its in the wall next to space, stuff ( including plays and AI) will get sucked into space.But put in emergency doors that close,so not everything gets distroyed. Also have hidden air ducts so you can sneak to the objective.





1. Put all of the campagin things into the online on huge maps. Pelicans, Phantoms, Scrabs, AA Wraths, Ect.

2. Put in armor that needs only achements (make a few hard like Hyabusa in Halo 3). Also have some that need cr and achements or cr and rank.

3. Have each armor piece effect you. EOD protects against explosions, but slows you down. CQB protects against shotguns and improves energy sword deflects. Make the knife an attachment that improves hand to hand (and assassinations). Also, many people want custom armor.( don't know how that would work, but it would be sweet and I'm sure that 343 can do it.)

4. Forgable Firefight maps. Taking custom games to a whole new level.

5. Flood AI gametype. Somthing to make COD shove "Zombies" up its... you get the point. Also make it possable to win, hard but beatable.

6. Ground up forging. You can choose the terrain bulidings/ships (people want online space battles, connected to the ground if possible.) Thes style should be custom as well. (Covanant, Human, Flood, Forerunner and whatever else you guys have in store.)This includes firefight. It would be amazing to havea grunt filled Rupe Goldburg machine.

7.AI integrated online play. For example, take Invasion, add AI's to both sides ( hunters, grunts, brutes, marines, ODST's, everything)aqnd let them be able to pick up objectives (bombs, Data cores, Ect.) and fullfill them like a player would.

8.First person options for vehicles. (I've always wondered what splatered grunt juice looks like on your visor)

9. Weapon inprovements. (supressors, sights that allow for headshots onguns such as the AR, and other thing that you can think of.)

10. Custom Campagin. Let custom maps have theatrics and campain stlye objective the cam be limked so players can make their own story.

11. Larger maps will need larger teams. My friends have sugested 24-32 players. Even more if you decide to link air and land battles.

12. In field weapon and vehicle customization/improvements. Also ground up vehicles in forge would be a god send.

13. 1st Person Presentaion. Halo's stroy is the best I've yet seen. If you keep the actions the Cheif does in first person, this little touch will add a lot of epic effect to it. To bring back Halo it must blow Battlefield 3 out ofthe water. Remember, they have only Earth. Halo have an ENTIRE galaxy AND the Forerunners! With a different graphics engine and better presentaion of cinematics Halo will have returned to being the game that truly gives justice to the Halo franchise and will leavean impression on the hearts of millions.

14. have destroyable bulidings and ships. That way, if I want to make an assult map that has its target in a buliding, so when the bomb goes it collapses on itself, it can happen. (Make this an OPTION, that way you can have both!)

15. Improve the music!!! Halo 3 and Halo3 ODST's music sent chills down my spine. Reach's not so much, many other others agree.

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1: no freaking pelican/phantom/scarab without a dedicated gamemode.

2: no freaking BR

3: bring back the hornet without getting rid of the falcon.

otherwise, I'm fine with whatever 343 makes (within reason)


edit: 4: keep bloom, it made competitive more interesting and balanced.

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I tried to make a list that would keep the core of halo from the original trilogy. No transport vehicles, or destructible environments, or armor changing abilities. The point of halo is for everyone to have an equal base to compete from, thats why loadouts, AAs, and bloom are such a bad idea. Alot of people left because Reach did not have this fair competitive base, often times you were at an insurmountable disadvantage because you didnt have the right AA or you didnt have the right weapon. So I feel that would should go back to Halo3 which everyone loved in halo4. Then 343i can mess with it in Halo5.

Otherwise you risk changing the series into a copy of CoD or Battlefield.


And Brave King you want to rewrite your list, it repeats itself and is sometimes reaaaaaally confusing.

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My Wishlist


1.I know it sounds crazy but Halo's very own story designer, you could create your own legacy from scratch, or you could have a template with a mission from one of the earlier games, something similar to ODST, where you are the ODST squad nearby where the chief is fighting, this would be great for Machinima and also it would give people(like myslelf) who love game customization a whole new world to explore. Personally I would love to be on the side of the Covenant in the level The Library on CE

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7. No bloom- Bloom was not a part of the original halos and rewards randomness. 9/10 players hate it and its partly responsible for Reach falling from grace. Really, there is almost no argument for it. It feels like bungie wanted to include CoD mechanics since Mw2 had become so popular, and it screwed up Reach. Everyone has had times were bloom has screwed them out of a kill. Its a bad mechanic.


Bloom(what you're probably calling the bullet spread) has been in every Halo title since Halo: Combat Evolved, just putting that out there. The expanding reticule does not control how the weapon functions, and its only purpose is to show the player the area in which their shot will land due to spread. That's all. The bullet spread will only screw you out of a kill if you don't properly time your shots, so don't spam. Also, I'd like to know why you think it is a bad mechanic. It keeps people from being able to just mindlessly pull the trigger and hope for a kill. It requires the player to learn to pace to maintain a more accurate shot. Yes it may add a chance for someone to hit when they shouldn't, but at the same time it adds a chance for them to miss if they don't control their firing well enough. Without the spread, everyone can just pull the trigger and not have to worry about properly timing their shots. With bloom you have to control your shots AND keep a good aim if you want a clean kill and to conserve ammo. You only have to keep good aim without it. I personally like that people can't just fire away without worry and hope to get a kill. I like that you need to learn to control your firing in order to keep the most accurate shot possible. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing without bloom, I just don't enjoy it as much as I do with it.

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I'm just picking a few from this thread that stood out and needed a comment on. No disrespect or funny business intended. just a simple explination....



14. have destroyable bulidings and ships. That way, if I want to make an assult map that has its target in a buliding, so when the bomb goes it collapses on itself, it can happen. (Make this an OPTION, that way you can have both!)



In all Halo engines, the environment is a solid mesh. Including destructable objects that are "stiched" so to speek, to the environment, would require a completely new format system as BSP's don't support destructable geometry outside typical scenery, vehicle, object spawns. It would be nice to have, but again, if they continue to use the same system formats for the core engine, it won't happen ever. And I doubt they will change the tag layout and system at all...just another "revision" of the same old tiered ones.


13. 1st Person Presentaion. Halo's stroy is the best I've yet seen. If you keep the actions the Cheif does in first person, this little touch will add a lot of epic effect to it. To bring back Halo it must blow Battlefield 3 out ofthe water. Remember, they have only Earth. Halo have an ENTIRE galaxy AND the Forerunners! With a different graphics engine and better presentaion of cinematics Halo will have returned to being the game that truly gives justice to the Halo franchise and will leavean impression on the hearts of millions.



I'm right there with you dude. While yes we have an epic playground at our disposal, unfortunatly due to size restrictions and current disc format used, there is not a lot of room for super duper extras like a really long campaign or anything. I don't know about anyone else...but multi-disc games went out of style for me back in the early 90's. I like my games and content on one single easily playable disc.



12. In field weapon and vehicle customization/improvements. Also ground up vehicles in forge would be a god send.


Can't happen. Doing so requires a full SDK environment. See my "Introduction to Forge" thread in the General Discussion section for more on this.



3. Have each armor piece effect you. EOD protects against explosions, but slows you down. CQB protects against shotguns and improves energy sword deflects. Make the knife an attachment that improves hand to hand (and assassinations). Also, many people want custom armor.( don't know how that would work, but it would be sweet and I'm sure that 343 can do it.)


While a nice thought and feature, doing this would require the creation of a brand new handling tag. On top of that, it would require 2 seperate models, one for the armory, and one for actual in-game. besides that, I am almost 100% sure, each armor piece would also require a completely brand new and seperate Biped. Armor is a permutation attachment, and armor perms have no base value tag fields that control, add or inhibit movement, damage effects etc....


3. High level of armor customization- Every part of the spartan and elite should be customizable. From the gauntlets, to your backpack, to the guns. The more variation, the more your spartan feels like you. Also, do not bunch up armor pieces, like how the Artificial Arm comes with other chest pieces. If you dont like the chest pieces, your forced to wear them to get the arm. A good "armor piece" would be to remove the armor itself.

Also, create some form of specific weapon customization. Like different models, different camos, etchings on the gun, etc. To add even more flair. So weapons you spawn with have these personal changes to them (only ascetic).


A very nice idea but not friendly to bandwidth or space. Even if it were possible to make these things happen, the amount of data syncing would be god aweful. The reason we are given a set list of things to customize our Spartans with, is because each thing is pre-loaded into the armory on all players. Adding a wildcard custom text or decal effect, would require each player to sync with eachother and exchange this data before the match begins. On top of that, during a match, everytime you spawn the host and clients would have to re-sync your starting perms and custom items. That will lag the match no matter how good or close your connection is.

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Also, I'd like to know why you think it is a bad mechanic. It keeps people from being able to just mindlessly pull the trigger and hope for a kill. Yes it may add a chance for someone to hit when they shouldn't, but at the same time it adds a chance for them to miss if they don't control their firing well enough. Without the spread, everyone can just pull the trigger and not have to worry about properly timing their shots. With bloom you have to control your shots AND keep a good aim if you want a clean kill and to conserve ammo. You only have to keep good aim without it. I personally like that people can't just fire away without worry and hope to get a kill. I like that you need to learn to control your firing in order to keep the most accurate shot possible.


Okay, bullet spread HAS always been in Halo games. But an expanding redicule or "bloom" was introduced in reach. The fact is, people steal kills from you. Its frustrating and happens every game. I leave with a feeling of being cheated, that I did the work while my teammate gets the reward.


Ive been trying to put this into words for the last few days but its hard to pinpoint exactly why i dont like bloom. Its like, I cant trust my gun. If i want to make a difference in the game, there is no weapon that I can rely on. I dont know if im doing something wrong when I lose a DMR fight, or if the random generator screwed me out of it. There have been times, when I clearly out played an enemy, got the first shots on him, and then he proceeds to kill me. It is soooo frustrating and makes me never want to play the game again.

I think thats what reach felt like to alot of people. Theres no reliable way to kill people on every map. Not the pistol, AR, DMR, needlerifle, plasma pistol, repeater, or even the needler. Any mechanic that delivers that feeling to gamers needs to die. Or at the very least change.


Its funny that you mention trigger spamming, since I see that more in Reach than Halo3. People tried to land every single shot. In reach most people fire as fast as possible, even to their detriment. Especially at the MLG level. Go watch them play at the national championship on MLG TV, nobody paces their shots. They actually removed bloom since everyone hated it so much. Actually, they only people who ive found who like bloom, are on this forum. Not youtube, RL, in chats, the game, or people ive met online.


I also find it strange that you think the better marksman benefits from bloom. In Halo3, i could never out BR a level 50 (true 50). But it reach, I can get a lucky bloom spread and kill him. To me thats totally unfair, since he is clearly a better shot than me. Another reason why its a bad mechanic.

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I think you misunderstand how the DMR really works. It is a weapon that almost to a T, ressembles the way the pistol from Halo 1 acted. If you used timed shots, you could control where the spread was limited too. With the BR, there is almost no margin for error when you have the enemy in your sights. Bloom requires more skill because it gives you a wider area of error when spamming shots, and forces you to react and lead your opponent. Most people tend to take chest shots while spamming to get your shields down. They usually then follow it up witn a couple headshots.


With the Battlerifle you got the same damage modifier as the DMR has, but the trick was , you have to land all 3 shot bursts. This was a problem at liong ranges as 1 or 2 of your shots could easily miss a moving target. The main problem i hear from people regardign the DMR, Needle Rifle and so on, is basically they don't want to hactually have any real up close or mid range fighting skills...they simply want to point shoot repeat and kill. I challenge anyone to give me a clear, well thoguht out example and technical reply as to why "no bloom" is better and requires more skill to use. Using a weapon that has pin point accuracy on every shot requires far less skill than taking down an opponent with a huge error cone of firing spread. it doesn't matter how you try to dress it up and sell it.


You say you can't trust your gun? Is that how you felt when weilding an SMG, or H1 Pistol, or plasma Rifle? So I take it the only weapon you are efficient in killing with is a scoped weapon? What happened to the good old days of true skill? Running around with dual needlers or plasma rifles and running down BR dogs? Why is everyone so focused on DMR and other perscision weapons anyway? You know there are other ones in the game right?


To be completely honest, I think you are way overthinking things when you go into battle my friend. I don't game competative, at least not in the last 6 years. But whenever I did, I went into battle with whatever I had. There are always two sides to take into account when battling someone. The side noone ever uses, is the disadvantages a weapon gives you. It's always easier going into a battle with a DMR and trying to get the first shot, but what about using it's shortcoming to engage the enemy? If you could outlast or strafe well enough to allow him to waste at least 6 shots, you can then effectivly start to return fire and take him down. I always find it best to dodge shots while returning a shot here and there until the enemy is almost out of rounds, then returning fire. But to each his own I guess?

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I think you misunderstand how the DMR really works. It is a weapon that almost to a T, ressembles the way the pistol from Halo 1 acted.


Totally and completely disagree. The DMR has a totally different feel from the pistol. I played HaloCE on the computer, and people would get scared when I joined. I could take on tanks and win with that pistol. How you can compare the 3 shot kill to the DMR is beyond me.


Your being really condescending. For some reason you just assume I suck and dont understand what im talking about. If you want to argue about bloom, lets make a new thread and have at it. But the point of this one is adding ideas to Halo4, not discussing reach's point of anguish.

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Actually, if you reread the post, I was explaining the mechanics act almost exactly the way the pistol from Halo 1 did. It's rate of fire and firing spread act exactly similar. Firing spread is bloom, just so you know. There is no need to create another thread for it, as there is plenty of them here, and in all of them I provide data taken from the tags themselves to explain it.


At no point did I say you sucked at all, so i don't know where you are getting that. I was offering a game mechanic answer to what you posted, nothing more nothing less. You can disagree with my points all you want, but they are game data specific facts.

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Halo 4 wish list….

Wish #1: Bring back the clans.

Unfortunately I was never able to play Halo 2 online, or experience how clans worked in Halo 2. Modern day clans to me seem unorganized. I personally love the idea of clans, and would love to see them flourish in Halo 4.

Ways to improve and rebuild clans

  1. Have a clan lobby, much like the matchmaking, custom game lobbies. From their you would be able to start/join a clan, manage your current clan, its members, its relations with other clans, set up/search for clan battles,
  2. Custom colors, emblems, and ranks (both names and powers the rank gets )
  3. What type of clan you are
    • MLG
    • Non-MLG
    • Spartan/Elite only

[*]Official clan battle game lobby, with set game types and maps from 343i…this would eliminate the possibility of rigged maps and game types.


Wish #2: Better control of matchmaking playlists.

I don’t know about everyone else but when my friends and I go into Team Slayer, we never, ever want to play elite slayer. I would like to see separate playlists categories for Spartans and Elites. I think that having more options of what setting we get to play matchmaking with is a good thing.

Example of Playlist Hoppers:

  1. Spartans Only
    • Team slayer (4v4)
    • Team Objective (4v4)
    • Team Doubles (2v2, slayer and objective)
    • Rumble Pit (6-8 man FFA, slayer and objective)
    • Cage Match (1v1, slayer)
    • Squad Match (5v5, slayer and objective)
    • Big Team Battle (8v8, slayer and objective)
    • Swat (4v4, slayer and objective)

[*]Elites Only

  • Team slayer (4v4)
  • Team Objective (4v4)
  • Team Doubles (2v2, slayer and objective)
  • Rumble Pit (6-8 man FFA, slayer and objective)
  • Cage Match (1v1, slayer)
  • Squad Match (5v5, slayer and objective)
  • Big Team Battle (8v8, slayer and objective)
  • Swat (4v4, slayer and objective)

[*]Invasion (one team of Spartans, one team of elites with your preferred species determining which team you are on)

  • Team Slayer (4v4)
  • Team Objective (4v4)
  • Squad Match (5v5, slayer and objective)
  • Big Team Battle (8v8, slayer and objective
  • Normal Invasion (6v6) [ie. Boneyard: Invasion)

[*]The Arena/Ranked (only Spartans)

  • Team Arena (4v4, slayer and objective)
  • Arena Doubles (2v2, slayer and objective)
  • Arena FFA (6 man FFA, slayer and objective)

[*]MLG…enough said


  • Team Snipers
  • Living Dead
  • DLC maps

***Please not that these playlist were designed using the current weapon sets in Halo: Reach. ***


Wish #3: More forging options

Let’s be real, the current forge world has gotten quite boring. Pine trees, rock, green fields and grey forerunner building are getting old. I would love to more environments/locations to work with.

  1. Possible environments
    • Current Forge World
    • Heavy Forest ie. Timberland
    • Snowy ie. Snowbound, Avalanche
    • Desert Ruins ie. Sandtrap, Sandbox, Epitaph
    • Covenant Themed ie. Assembly, Zealot, Midship
    • Urban ie. Foundry, Headlong

Every map area would have 2 pre-built maps, one small(er) map for 2v2s, 4v4s, and 5v5s, and one large(er) map for 8v8s and/or invasion 6v6. Obviously some may fill multiple roles like Boneyard for invasion and big team, are Asylum which works for 2v2s to 5v5s to rumble pit. Each area would have its own themes. Also these areas would not have to reflection the current size of the forge world, the map areas would only have to resemble the current size of the “canyon” or “island to make this idea realistic. Think the Paradiso map from Halo: Reach, only add the snow and styling of Halo 3’s Snowbound and/or Avalanche.



Wish #4: Better ranking systems for both ranked and unranked playists.

Ranked Playlists: I like how the arena is set up, my only problem with it is I get annoyed when a find a game lobby that has 7 onyx players (I myself am nowhere near that division). I feel that more player would find themselves playing the arena with this were not the case. I feel that the best way to handle the arena is to group players into the five divisions based off of their no ranked stats, tham force them to play against player only in their division. Players would improve during division play would obviously attain higher division standings, and possibly move up to the next division. The same would be said for those who performed poorly.

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just a thought....having everyone starting out on the same playing field (same weapons, same armor ability which was none) was what made halo a true skill game. Having what armor you where and armor abilities created a Halo-CoD hybrid...which can and never be a true skill game. I sorry for all of the armor lock noobs who cant kill the enemy before they chuck a nade at them or the active camo d-bags who think its SOOOOO cool when they come up from behind you and "ninja" you because your radar is jammed to hell (assuming it is a non slayer pro game).

If you want to anti shotgun armor/explosion armor....I'm sure CoD has what you are looking for.

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my opinion on customizable loadouts: it cant be like cod because it would simply be unfair if you could spawn with a rocket launcher or something. im thinking maybe something more similar to GOW were there are a strict few guns that you can have in your load out but some would be on the battle field. like the assault rifle and smg would be in the loadout but the rocket launcher would not. and if you choose to be an elite you would have covenant guns. when you have a sertine rank you can use either sides' guns no matter what you are. thats my opinion. and i also like the idea of armor having different uses

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we never had any silent sniper missions in halo apart from night fall in halo reach thats it just one mission out all the games we played as a spartan and alot of that mission isnt silent sniping,but you do have some good ideas there but i have to disagree with the rooster teeth idea, i want them to stay clear of any production involvement to halo 4.

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im thinking maybe something more similar to GOW were there are a strict few guns that you can have in your load out but some would be on the battle field.


If halo changes that much it will become a clone of Gears. Id rather have halo stay as halo and Gears stay as gears so we can enjoy both series.

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we never had any silent sniper missions in halo apart from night fall in halo reach thats it just one mission out all the games we played as a spartan and alot of that mission isnt silent sniping,but you do have some good ideas there but i have to disagree with the rooster teeth idea, i want them to stay clear of any production involvement to halo 4.


Thanks man. Night fall in reach was just so painful I didnt want it to return. And most people I know would actually pay to have RedvsBlue and Rooster Teeth be part of Halo lol, but to each his own.

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GUYS JUST LET THEM DO WHAT THEY WANT WITH IT! if they do everything you all ask it will definitely crash and burn before they even start making halo 5!! they know what halo is, everyone that is making the game is a halo fan, and they know how to make the game good! so just be patient and see what they are gonna do! since its obviously gonna be all different with the forunner tech in play!

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