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Halo is a joke now!

Shadow of Onyx

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Not saying that I disagree with the view of Halo going downhill since Bungie exited the franchise, but you really need to do a much better job of supporting such claims.


Comparing ODST to a H5 Cortana isn't exactly a "proof of concept" direction. You are comparing a Halo Universe human during the 2552 Human Covenant War. A time period in which technology was not advancing far, and the investment within the Spartan Program was non existent. Further, AI development was apexed with Halsey's creation of Cortana with Forerunner technology assistance. A factor that was not intended within Oni or the UNSC.


Flash forward to Halo 4 and 5 and we are presented with a leap in technology and genetics thanks to Forerunner research, and the end of the Covenant War. By this time, the year is 2559. 7 years have passed and humanity has had time to incorporate both Covenant and Forerunner technology into their existing development. From a scientific perspective, this 7 years is a mirror to oir own current development cycle in terms of hardware/software.


This being said, it is not improbable nor is it unrealistic to see such a drastic change. It is however drastic feom the players perspective since we dont actually see the day to day advancement and we only get to play the game from point specific time frames.


If you were to properly argue the drastic changes you would need to properly outline the acrual documented technology leaps, and use a realistic point of refefence to discredit them. Such as the entire Spartan Program, how the augmentations are created, and the armor configurations. Such as, how can armor offer protection in such thin layers? Or how can a suit that is a mere 1.3 inches in thickness, possibly contain hydraulics and power assistance modules? How can you graft a ceramic composite onto a child, and that graft NOT inhibot the process of oscification?


You have the right ideas, but are severly lacking the ability to express it in a constructive or factual manner. My advice? Learn to argue better or you will find yourself on the wrong end of a very ugly stick.

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Admittedly my argument was lacking, I generally don't make big posts anymore - cause can't be bothered/ don't get even get noticed.

But, I was specifically challenging the seriousness of where the series has went. From a grounded & actually believe series > overdramatic utter nonsense.

Seriously? How is Halo even a believeable story? Every Halo is overdramatic:


Halo CE: Blow up a WMD with a spaceship while fighting space zombies


Halo 2: Work with an 8 foot tall alien to help a snake zombie thing no get blown up (but really just to save that world)


Halo 3: Stop the leader of a collection of Alien species from blowing up 6 of those WMDs, which just happens that the way there is in Africa


Halo 4: Escape a planet to prevent a 200,000 year old alien warlord from turning humans into his personal army


Halo 5: Track down a super soldier who is chasing an AI that is supposed to take over humanity using giant constructs.


Halo is meant to be dramatic and is really just utter nonsense (just like every fantasy and science fiction thing). It is not believeable in anyway.


@@Twinreaper Well in 500 years time who knows what we can do. If the innermost layer of a Spartans armour moulds itself to fit them best then who says it isn't possible?

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Admittedly yes, the series has lost it's serious grounded story heirarchy. From my perspective, this is primarily due to 343 and their lack of willingness to support, recsll, retell and otherwise work with previous lore/stories, and instead forge ahead while developing their own sense of story within the Halo Universe.


However, I do have to acknowledge that for the past 15+ years, we have become acustom to a "Covenant vs Human" storyboard heirarchy. It would simply be a logical progression of our thinking when it comes to Halo, to dismiss or becone dismayed by Hal's own inevitable ending of the Great War to make way for the next decade of historical and menirable combat driven storyline.


The main problem is, 343 has shown twice, how utterly incapable they are of creating original content to push Halo beyond the established borders of what we expect. I would believe that if Bungie had not left the franchise, we would have seen a very different Reclaimer Saga, and ones who progression in both story and multiplayer would have placed Halo back at the top if the FPS genre.


Now that last part may simply be an opinion, but it is an opinion based soley upon the previous developers work, dedication and slready proven results, weighed against what we now see.


As for the scientific aspect, I draw my conclusions and debunks from the data that the actual lore has provided, versus what we actually do kniw acording to real world physics. For the most part, Bungie and 343 fill in no blanks and provide nothing in terms of inner workings, explinations or any other attempt to validate the technology.


As a point of reference, look at Star Trek. The entire concept of Star Trek back in the 60's proved widely impossible. Yet, the writers and Roddenberry did a supremely wonderful job of referencing actual physics and space-time mechanics to validate the possibility of such events, and further they actually cant much be argued wrong or simply hypothetical. For another reference point, look up the technology used in the series. You will find blueprints, schematics, technology overview pages and fictional interviews. Then look at Halo. You will find nothing but half concocted "it just works" explinations, and a ton of incorrect scientific, physiological and genetic data with wildly incorrect explinations.


To end this already way too long post, the series isnt credible anymore and it hasnt been since Staten stopped being the end all be all of story telling for Halo. If the series wishes to be what it was story wise, 343 needs to be more honest about their failures, their shortcomings and dedicate themselves a lot more to ground themselves into a more stable story heirarchy.

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I've played halo since CE. Ive played every campaign except Reach and to me the "lore" of halo provides no incentive to play the game. I personally enjoy halo 5 and can't say its completely a "joke". there are things i feel were ridiculous from 343. for example.


the campaign was a joke. didn't play it on legendary i guess so that was probably why it went so fast, but seriously. 15 missions and 3 of them (or more?) are just running around talking to people for 5 minutes. the other missions are just killing warden over and over (7 -9 times i believe?). not a fun or rewarding campaign in my opinion, and it was way too short. that being said id not play halo for the campaign, and the MM is balanced well. 


the lack of split screen is a joke, especially given the way they announced the decision (shortly before launch after countless had pre-ordered, many had no idea until they got the game).


the lack of variety in permanent playlists is a joke. weekend playlists were a joke. the removal of doubles for over 2 months to "tweak" thing like gun spawns and such is just a joke. 


the lack of quality maps at launch was a joke. the way they have made all forged maps for BTB and still only have a handful of good maps is also a joke. 


its also hilarious they keep doing things and not saying anything about it. for example; release halo ce pistol. say its only available on forge, customs games, and warzone. then place the gun on a BTB map and wait for people to react? I love the halo ce pistol so I'm not really complaining about this particular case but giving an example. that seems like a good joke on their part, but i could see them removing it. (recurve if anyone hasn't played it since the update, at the lookouts with one clip)



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the campaign was a joke. 

the lack of split screen is a joke, 

the lack of variety in permanent playlists is a joke. 

the lack of quality maps at launch was a joke. 

its also hilarious they keep doing things and not saying anything about it. that seems like a good joke on their part, 

All these jokes and I'm not laughing! You got me again 343i!


But on a more serious note all your complaints/criticisms are not what the Halo community cares about anymore. The Halo community is finally growing again and the competitive scene is growing too! We already ranted what Halo 5 did wrong back in October/November now we're focusing on fixing what we can fix and so far 343i has done a great job at delivering.


Halo 5 is a service not a complete product. You paid a one time fee for a Halo game that will receive continuous additions, improvements, and content updates throughout its lifetime. Sure you can complain about what it does wrong or what it lacks but that won't solve anything. A much more constructive approach would be to critically argue the aspects of the game you dislike and acknowledge that other people might like it and that might be the majority opinion. 

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