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Why can I not play with my family members no local Co-Op?


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I posted this once but I still would like to know why Halo 5 came out with no local Co-Op my son and I love to play the game together. Now it's oline only! Hope Halo 6 comes out with local Co-Op or this is my last Halo I buy. I ran out to buy it for him and didn't look before I bought. I won't make the same mistake twice. Bring back Local Co-Op.

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This story is a bit of a catch 22. For years Halo players in vast numbers had been calling for a better visual appearance, what we know to be standard on PC, this is 60fps at 1080p. While splitscreen is fun, it is visually taxing on the engine that runs the game to a point where it is blatantly visible to how bad the refresh rate gets.

To counter this 343i designed a clever system to preserve 60fps at all costs, even if that reduced sprite animation refresh rate, texture quality and splitscreen itself. On consoles, you just cannot have 60fps and splitscreen, it's one or the other. And in this modern era of competitive gaming, as much as people don't like it, frame rate is objectively more important than splitscreen.

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