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The Semi Weekly Site Poll 11

Caboose The Ace

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Herro one and all and welcome to the eleventh site poll! On a side note its only eight days as of today until Halo 5 comes out!                                                                                                                                                       
I think you all can guess what this is about......
Unless you have been living under a rock while you played the Halo games I think everyone knows that Cortana is Master Chief's AI companion through the Halo Trilogy and Halo 4. That was true until she "died" during the New Phoenix Incident when she sacrificed herself to save the Master Chief. Using her last remaining power before she succumbed to rampancy to teleport Chief away from the Didact's Ship and create a shield of hard light around him.
So my question to you all is.....
Will Cortana come back in Halo 5 and if so in what form?
Will it be in hallucinations? Did she survive somehow? Or something else entirely? Let me know!
Thanks for reading all!
Voting endings on October 26th.
If you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to pm me. :)

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I certainly hope its dead. Cortana shouldn't come back to life in Halo 5. When a game is recycling characters, that's not a good sign.


Well if it does come back, it better die properly

Edited by Kakashi Hecate
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I used to want to see Cortana come back, and part of me still does but not for a while. Not in this or the next installation. 


The answer to the question is kind of yes and no for me. I don't think Cortana herself, as an AI, is coming back but I believe that she will be back playing an important role in Chief's decisions in the form of his subconscious or through some hallucinations or whatever Chief is seeing in the mission Blue Team.

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I thought Chief would be searching for a way to bring her back in H5, but going off of the trailers that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm fine with her either coming back or staying dead, but whatever the case is, I'm sure it'll be interesting one way or another.


But, uh, Kakashi, when you make a truly sentient machine or program, he/she will count as a person just as much as you do.

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Two things:

1. I've always called Cortana an it because its a machine

2. Cortana doesn't exist


I really don't get what I disrespected....


Actually during her final moments in the hardlight shield Cortana became fully human because she entered the last stage of rampancy, metastabilty. When an AI reaches metasabilty it can be considered human.


So Cortana deserves to be a she. Because by the end her mind was just as real as a normal Human being. :)

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Actually during her final moments in the hardlight shield Cortana became fully human because she entered the last stage of rampancy, metastabilty. When an AI reaches metasabilty it can be considered human.


So Cortana deserves to be a she. Because by the end her mind was just as real as a normal Human being. :)


I wouldn't say AIs become "human" in metastability, but they are definitely conscious beings. Cortana and Iona are absolutely under this category. By the way, great response Caboose. 

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I wouldn't say AIs become "human" in metastability, but they are definitely conscious beings. Cortana and Iona are absolutely under this category. By the way, great response Caboose.



Well AI's are based off a human brain so by the time of the fourth stage of rampancy they can be considered Human by the end if they reach that final stage of course.


Though only three AI's have ever done so in Halo lore so far. 


There are three stages of rampancy. Credit to Halopeida btw. "Melancholia, where the AI grows depressed about its limited state of existence, Anger, where the AI lashes out at those who oppressed it, and Jealousy, where the AI attempts to take over larger systems in order to make itself more powerful. A fourth theoretical stage, Meta-stability, is hypothesized to be when the AI calms down and becomes a "true person"


So Metastabilty is when the AI balances all three stages like a Human. Such as Cortana at the end of Halo 4.


She is shown to be at peace despite almost all her other appearances of late being her either angry, unable to concentrate or being jealous.



For those final moments she managed to balance it all out becoming fully human and focused on what she needed to do. To defeat the Didact and ensure Chief not only survived but detonated the nuke. :)





Alright guys its been a week so lets fine out the results......


And it seems almost by a curbstomp pretty much nobody wants Cortana to have survived the events of Halo 4, though some do not mind either way.


Thanks for voting everyone!

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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