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Christmas Leave (Returning on the 7th)

Halo6 Follower

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Well everyone that time of the year is nearly upon us, Christmas!! Unfortunately this also brings around holidays and time away from internet and this amazing Forum. So it is with a heavy heart that I must leave this Forum for roughly 2 and a half weeks to travel to visit relatives. But fret not! I shall be back on or around the 7th of January.   


I would like to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas, a great boxing day, and an amazing new start into 2015. I hope everyone gets what they want from the Christmas Tree. 


Catch everyone in the new year! 




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Have fun Halo5Follower, for it is a new year approaching. Some things won't be the same without you because whats different about you is that you don't follow the crowd like everybody else like sheep, no I like that. You are the shepard. I wish you a Merry Christmas for 2015 and a pleasant New Year.



Lovin' tha Blue Cat :3


Absolute shock


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