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Predictions for E3: Halo


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Guys, the only "solid" thing about Halo 2A is the comment from Steve Downes, when asked which he thought would come out first. Oh course he would probably not have had to do anything for a remake using the same audio as before, but he may have done some things for it. The only reason why I speculated that if there was a game coming out this Fall, it would most likely be Halo 2A. All Halos have had at least a year ahead announcement, except for Spartan Assault and Halo CEA. Both of which took minimal time to complete. 

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Okay, let me speculate here.


I have seen where Steve Downes has said he knows NOTHING about Halo 5/Xbox One, as read in an article on videogamer.com (apparently I can't put direct links?). Let's say that Downes really doesn't know anything about the Xbox one game. Wouldn't that be odd, that the Main Character of your series does not know what the hell his own game's about?



This statement could mean one of two things:

1. Downes really doesn't know anything, and his voice acting job for this game hasn't started yet.

2. He is lying, once again trying not spill beans about the upcoming title, and has his voice acting already done.


So, if he doesn't know anything, then this game is not as close to completion as we thought, and they might have more time for an unknown reason, but we still have the promise of a Halo game, in 2014. However, I can't really say that, because I don't know how long the voice acting job would take. Like I said, it's speculation.

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Funny, you will walk in debate the "facts or "proof" that is suggested, yet you stroll past my claim about something I predicted, or suggested without argument? Curious....

Did I mention or say the dev kit was fake? No, I did not. I called out the claims about projects in development and their supposed release dates. If your gonna debate something, commit to it.


I committed to the argument the second I posted. I think there's sufficient "words" to prove that. And I walked away simply because I found it impossible to argue with someone as hard headed as I. I have better things to do than sit here and talk to a brick wall.


And your comment was overly critical of my previous posts, so I chose not to respond. I believe the evidence I suggested was credible. If I'm wrong then it's on me.


Lastly I believe it's true. You don't. End of story. Let's move on.

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Halo 2 Anniversary is the most logical thing to be announced. It is easy money if they pull it off right, and if it is successful then its a win-win-win. They get cash money, they get profit, and they restore faith in the Halo name, and bring back its community. All of which boosts up hype and sales of Halo 5. Which they might also mention at E3. Either way, we are gonna get something big announced...  

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And this is a prime example of the problem plaguing this site.  The moment someone comes in, and throws LOGICAL argumentative facts and opinions around, you all cave like crippled straw houses.


I post the comments and opinions I do for one thing, TO FORCE YOU TO THINK!  Thinking and using rational and factual information seems to be a lost art on this site.  I can be bullying, argumentative, stubborn and downright irritating sometimes, but one thing alone always rings clear and true.  I force you to think, and at times think outside the box.  Why is that?  because I like to bring out people true nature and hidden potential.  My methods are not nice, I admit that.  My way of doing things is unorthodox and intimidating, yup defiantly true.  My words are cold and straight to the point and I don't pull and punches, yes I certainly do.  At the end of the day, I would rather show you 100% of who I am in real life, and some fictional character hiding behind an avatar.


If you don't like my methods, that's fine.  But consider this.  How many arguments, ideas or realizations have been brought to light from my presence here?  Far too many to count.  If you all want to be some tree hugging kum-by-ah my lord circle jerk, fine.  Count me out.  I'll prohibit myself from interacting any further.

Diversity and tolerance is what makes the social world go round.  But again there's the hypocrisy of it all.  343i: We won't tolerate truth or disagreements, and we won't have you being diverse enough to cause us to act or think differently.  Enjoy the girlscout retreat boys...

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That's it!!!  That's the big reveal.  The two are merging!  All hail Nintendsoft!  Can't wait for Super Halo Bros.....

You mean Microtendo.


And actually, all three major console companies are planning a merger.




And they are going to be releasing the Playcube 360.

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