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Gamertag - TurbTastic


Map: Beer Pong - 6 Cup


Gametype: Beer Pong


I'll explain how this game works by describing the screenshots. Works with anywhere from 2-16 players, but I recommend 4-10 players. I used the Multi-Team version of Ricochet to achieve these mechanics.



The mongooses are the balls in this game. The cones mark where players on foot will be teleported back.



Red team tries to make all the red cups before the blue team makes all the blue cups. The shields on the ramps prevents players from landing on the opposite team's side.



Each cup you need to make is marked Deliver (difficult to capture in a screenshot). If you go full speed the whole way you will overshoot the cups.



When the player lands a mongoose in a cup it creates an explosion that will impact all players in the area.



The shields near the cups prevent players from landing in the opposite team's cups. If someone lands in an enemy cup it scores for the other team.



Here you can tell that blue has 3 cups left to make. Each player fell short. There are teleporters on each side that will send you back to your spawn before you land in the ocean, and there is a system in place that will kill players that land on the wrong side.



If someone makes it in a cup that has already been made, then there is no explosion and no points are scored.



This looks like victory in the making.


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