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Weapon ideas


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i think so too. like boba fetts flame-thrower from battlefront two. that could work because it didn't do much damage


Ya, how about the flamethrower could have less damage, more mobility, no sticky fire and/or less time that the fire lasts, and the chainsaw on the front.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so? its not based off of skyrim i just thought of it before. another idea of mine is... well this is a lot like the pulse AA idea and a black hole AA idea i thought of. its a grenade that on impact at the slitest touch it sends out this pulse that pushed what ever it touches. it has this kind of matter energy that is like a wall but it extends really fast kind of blowing up really fast and sends anything it touches flying in a direction at a fast speed. it can splatter enemies and send them into walls. intact i just thought of this idea as i typed this idea

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good ideas and they are well balanced. here is one of my ideas, not a gun but ammo.


incinerating bullets for the shotgun. it does significantly less damage than any regular bullet but once fired ignites and does damage over time. the shot wont be very effective but causes the enemy to have an almost black, red tone in it. making it hard for the opposition to see. the only way to stop it would be to find water or another inflamable liquid. this would be a very scarce munitions source. and with less ammo capacity. but it would also set a good flare for a rally point in multiplayer.

Halo CE and Halo 2 had ammo packs, I would love if 343 brought those back

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Chainsaw? Believable, swords n staffs thou? Miight be pushin it, what do we have now? Throwing knives, machetes, hachet/ the infamous tomahawk, collapsable batons. The 2552 aspect just lets you think bigger and meaner. Apoca-fist! Haha but seriosly a couple throwing knives would be ill

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How about a chainsaw?

According to what I've heard, chainsaws are nearly incapable of cutting through people because of jamming, so I find it hard to believe that such a tool could be used against a 500 pound man encased in metal with an energy shield. Also, it would be completely gratuitous, since Spartans have so many other lethal weapons that a chainsaw would seem unnecessary.  I can't even take the chainsaw-bayonet seriously in Gears of War.

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i don't even play gears of war when i want to, i also like the machete idea, and or a idea i thought of based off of the machete and star wars is you know the swords from KOTOR and KOTOR 2 where its a sword with energy around it to deflect light sabers? it would be like that but deflecting the energy sword, so basically it would be like the  UNSC version of the energy sword

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