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Celebrity Halo 4 Matchmaking


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Okay maybe this belongs in off topic but I like the idea of this in matchmaking so that's my rationale for posting here. Okay. Follow me.


How cool would it be to play Capture the Flag with Will Ferrell?


Or how about some Oddball with The Rock?


How about some Slayer with Bruce Willis?


Granted I doubt anyone of those celebrities would bother playing video games with us common folk, lol. But if maybe there was an incentive? Like once a month celebrities hop on for some kind of Halo 4 Infinity Slayer promotion or something? That sounds like a blast to me.


I vaguely recall them doing that awhile back with the original Xbox. But with Halo 4 matchmaking a crazy antics and how wild it could get, this is an idea that deserves attention! Lol. If only.


Can you imagine? King of the Hill with Kat Williams?

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