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Looking for members to join the B1RD clan


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Welcome to the B1RD Clan page


We would really appreciate if you would become a member of our clan and if you can message us or leave a reply on this page.


We do lots of things in our clan and we are also open to ideas.


The only thing that you will need to change is your service tags to B1RD and also make you spartan/elite colours a birds colours more info will follow

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For example, Brown and White (Eagle), which is already taken, so you might do Yellow and Brick (Phoenix). Post here if you're interested in joining (it's a Halo 4 and Reach clan by the way, but mainly Halo 4. If you don't have Halo 4 then you can join the reach clan and vise versa).

Halo 4 B1RD Clan:

1. GT=Browns Family00 (Zex965) -Leader

2. GT=xXSTORMXx98 (Storm98) -Leader

3. GT=kalaphite250 (Kalaphite250) -Captain

4. GT=ghost2in -Trainer

5. GT=ClayishCarton79 -Tactician

6. GT=L3GAL1Z3D -Member












Halo Reach B1RD Clan:

1. GT=Browns Family00 (Zex965) -Hawk (Tan and White) -Leader

2. GT=xXSTORMXx98 (Storm98) -Eagle (Brown and White) -Leader

3. GT=kalaphite250 (Kalaphite250) -Member

4. GT=ClayishCarton79 -Co-Leader














*GT=GamerTag. Any names in brackets are usernames for this site. If there is no 'GT=' it means that name is a username on this site. If there is no name in brackets after the GT, then it means that member is not registered on this site.

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In addition to the previous information, here is a list of what the B1RD clan has to offer:

-Firstly, If you wish to join, ask Zex965 (Browns Family00) or I (xXSTORMXx98) and join one of us for a 1v1 game of Slayer (Halo Reach) or Infinity Slayer (Halo 4). If Zex965 or I win, then it's up to us to decide whether you can join (if you still want to of course), and if you win, then it's completely up to you.

-We will try our best to organize clan battles and we'll try to organize normal short clan battles (1-5 rounds and 4-8 players), 2 clan bigger clan battles (2-4 rounds going on at once, each with a chosen number of players agreed by both clans) where the winning 'small' teams move on to the next round to verse the opposing wining 'small teams (if any) and once all teams of one clan gets defeated, the opponent wins.

-We'll also try to organize or join clan tournaments with about 8-16 clans fighting until there's a winner.

-We'll regularly work out times for clan training which will include custom slayer matches, random custom maps and/or game types suggested from different members including maps and/or game types made by clan members and online matches where we'll take the required number of members and verse randoms online as a team.

-You DO NOT need a mic to join, although it is best to have or try to get one.

-There are NO rank restrictions, you can be any rank to join.

-Also hackers are NOT permitted to join the clan. Any members that a found to be hackers will be reported from all members and permanently kicked from the clan.

-You DO NOT have to change your emblem, all you need to do is change your service tag to B1RD and you Spartans armor colour to the colour of a bird. Brown and white (Eagle) for example.

-There are NO age restrictions either, any age can join.


Thank you for taking the time to read this description. Remember, if you wish to join, please message Zex965 or I on this website or on Xbox @Browns Family00 (Zex965) and/or @xXSTORMXx98 (me). We hope to see some responses.

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The next few people to join will get offered special positions in the clan. Here is a list of the positions:

Halo 4:

Leader- Browns Family00 (Zex965)

Leader- xXSTORMXx98 (Storm98)

Co-Leader- Available

Captain- kalaphite250 (Kalaphite250)

Tactician- ClayishCarton79

Trainer- ghost2in


Halo Reach:

Leader- Browns Family00 (Zex965)

Leader- xXSTORMXx99 (Storm98)

Co-Leader- Available

Captain- Available

Tactician- Available

Trainer- Available


Leader: The leadership spots are taken by Zex965 and I, we are in charge of the clan. We bring the clan together by recruiting member, or exchanging members, or even kicking out Inactive or disrespectful members. We also organize clan battles, tournaments meetings and training.

Co-Leader: The co-leader helps the leaders by doing small tasks such as delivering messages, working out training times, or taking over if the leaders are busy.

Captain: The captains job is to lead the team in battle by giving small orders or ideas while still following the gist of the plans and tactics discussed.

Tactician: The team tactician comes up with plans and tactics to use in battle BEFORE battle. These plans and tactics are then discussed with the team at meetings which will most likely happen before a battle or even during training, but can happen at any time.

Trainer: The last position is the trainer. The trainer needs to be good at teaching other members tips and tricks or generally how to be better. They also need to show the clan any hiding spots or in game glitches*.


*Glitches may or may not be used during clan battles, depending on the rules discussed and agreed on by the battling clans.

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