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What is your secret?


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I'll admit it. I'm completely hit or miss at Halo 4. On maps where I know what I'm doing (and my teammates aren't completely incompetent), I do well, sometimes very well. For example, in the 1-in-100 chance I get Exile (was it removed from the BTB map list?), I usually go get a Rampage or better because of the Gauss Hog (or finish with 20+ assists and a positive kill-death if I'm the driver).


On other maps, it feels like the game is rigged against me. Combine ridiculously horrible lag (seriously, my lag is beyond awful) and stupid teammates, and it feels like nothing works. I feel like I am playing 1 on 8, and this becomes worse when the match is anything more complicated than your basic Slayer round. The entire game consists of me fighting multiple enemies, and then later me fighting multiple enemies with power weapons.


Anyway, I feel like knowledge is power. Knowing that the Gauss Hog should NOT be driven around in a circle on Exile, for instance. Or that the Wraith on many Dominion maps (especially on Exile, because only one spawns) is probably the best base fortification perk. These sort of things are the difference between going 20-2 and going 2-20.


What are your secrets to getting a good kill-death? It could loadouts, strategies, camping spots, anything. Any playlist, any map.

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Tip one on dominion for exile:

Make a loadout with pule grenades & grenadier.

At the start of exile, usually everyone rushes for Point B.

When you reach the terminal for B at the beginning, chuck both pulse nades at the terminal.


I do this everytime I play dominion on Exile and i've never lost Bravo in the beginning with this tactic, as it gets everyone going for Bravo at the beginning at no shields because they all come up the slim hallway, aim the nades at the top and near the terminal, It'll get you many assists and many kills in the beginning, and first strike.

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I find there are rounds where I never really do well, but in others I can do really well. I think it is a case of you have to adjust to the way your team play as the game is designed that you cannot beat multiple enemies of they are any good.


There are times when you just have to conciously not play your way. You get teammates who hang back and refuse to advance, in this situation you have to just do the same (sad I know but the new Halo). BTB is the round that this happens the most in Team slayer is prob the only one this does not happen in.

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I recommend forcing yourself to practice your slaying skills by playing more 4v4. 8v8 can really be confusing, offer WAY more chaos and randomness that is extremely counter productive to learning and honing your skill. In most 4v4 games, you are much more encouraged to plan your fights, and win them on your own metal.


But a few simple Halo rules for intermediates can help I think:


Watch your radar at all times.

Try to pull back if more than one enemy is beginning to advance on you.

Try to stay in the general area of your teammates. A lot of games, I will be being destroyed consistantly. Then I will remember, I'm lone wolfing, ignoring where my team is. If I want to play smarter, I have to stay with them. The enemy is doing the same.

Force yourself to pick the rifle (precision) that you are most comfortable with, and practice with it. Game after game. Learn the hits you need to kill.

Use grenades smartly, often defensive grenades are the most immediately effective.

When id doubt, play for spread, not for kills.

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I like to bait those guarding a base in dominion


Turn and shoot of a round or two, tempt someone tho chase you


Right before they round a corner toss a pulse grenade and finish them off with you weapon of choice, works every time


Lol. That's pretty awesome. I like using PV as it doesn't give away that SOMEONE is there like AC. I do the same thing. Easy way to rack up those Killing Frenzys. Especially after you fortify a base and start unlocking "the good stuff". Then it's a waiting game while you rack up points for base D. May sound crummy. And it is. A lot of patient waiting... But what a rush...

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I don't have a great K/D, especially not by recent standards. It ussed to be an amazing player MIGHT have a 2.0 K/D, the numbers have gone up since Reach. My average K/D stays pretty consistent (around 1.5), which tells me I have good basics but fail to learn any "secrets" which might be specific to a game or map.


I was around 1.5 in Halo 3, same in Halo Reach, same in Battlefield 3, same in Halo 4. Even though three of those games are Halo games, they all play very differently, and yet I kept about the same K/D. Master of none...


I CAN tell you that Halo 4 is designed to push you into harm's way a lot more than most games. You are not meant to survive and do awesome, you are meant to rush and die a lot. Where previously this was a choice each player made, now it's built into the game. Keep that in mind when you're playing. If what you're doing feels "natural" for the game then chances are it's a bad idea. Like I said I don't know a lot of good tips, but I do know that this particular game is working against you most of the time, and if you treat it like another enemy you might find yourself doing better.


Things to watch:

Your shield. Halo 4 lulls you into a sense of security with your shield, it gets ripped apart in under 2 seconds by most weapons and takes 8 seconds to return to full.


Your motion tracker. Your enemies are behind you, if they aren't now they will be soon. Also more and more players will be using the stealth perk as the game's life continues so you will find PV less helpful.


You should also get used to using a mic if you don't already. A team is the best back-up you'll find, and they're more important in this game than in any Halo game before it because the game is designed to punish rambo-style gameplay.


Also crouch. A lot. Don't sprint everywhere, don't sprint around corners, and when you're not moving fast, crouch.


I THINK it might be a good idea to just sort of slow down in general. The game doesn't want you to stop and think, but try to do it anyway. Try sprinting less or NOT hammering X the second you die. Let yourself be dead for a few seconds so you can think for a second about what got you killed.


A couple of those are tips I know are good but am not good at using myself. For example I don't crouch much. I also rely too much on PV, and frequently don't feel like talking.

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I don't have a great K/D, especially not by recent standards. It ussed to be an amazing player MIGHT have a 2.0 K/D, the numbers have gone up since Reach. My average K/D stays pretty consistent (around 1.5), which tells me I have good basics but fail to learn any "secrets" which might be specific to a game or map.


I was around 1.5 in Halo 3, same in Halo Reach, same in Battlefield 3, same in Halo 4. Even though three of those games are Halo games, they all play very differently, and yet I kept about the same K/D. Master of none...


I CAN tell you that Halo 4 is designed to push you into harm's way a lot more than most games. You are not meant to survive and do awesome, you are meant to rush and die a lot. Where previously this was a choice each player made, now it's built into the game. Keep that in mind when you're playing. If what you're doing feels "natural" for the game then chances are it's a bad idea. Like I said I don't know a lot of good tips, but I do know that this particular game is working against you most of the time, and if you treat it like another enemy you might find yourself doing better.


Things to watch:

Your shield. Halo 4 lulls you into a sense of security with your shield, it gets ripped apart in under 2 seconds by most weapons and takes 8 seconds to return to full.


Your motion tracker. Your enemies are behind you, if they aren't now they will be soon. Also more and more players will be using the stealth perk as the game's life continues so you will find PV less helpful.


You should also get used to using a mic if you don't already. A team is the best back-up you'll find, and they're more important in this game than in any Halo game before it because the game is designed to punish rambo-style gameplay.


Also crouch. A lot. Don't sprint everywhere, don't sprint around corners, and when you're not moving fast, crouch.


I THINK it might be a good idea to just sort of slow down in general. The game doesn't want you to stop and think, but try to do it anyway. Try sprinting less or NOT hammering X the second you die. Let yourself be dead for a few seconds so you can think for a second about what got you killed.


A couple of those are tips I know are good but am not good at using myself. For example I don't crouch much. I also rely too much on PV, and frequently don't feel like talking.


That's some good advice.


I drink when I play. And I talk alot. I only just switched to PV. Sad because if PV stopped being useful I don't know what is switch to. I crouch all the time! That's why I switched from AC. Because it only gave me away instead I blind the enemy.

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Don't try and go long range with the scatter shot. Even when you are away from the AOE of a rocket launcher, get further away from it when you shoot the incinerator. if there is a tunnel, use grenades. ALWAYS keep an eye on your motion tracker. If you have camo, it's **** in halo 4 so don't go too close with it. And when you are behind someone, before you go and assasinate, make sure not many enemies are there, otherwise you will get killed while doing it.

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I think the game relies on having good team-mates. That is the nature of Halo, always has been. Having guests in the game places deter in the game, it isn't, then, matchmade.


But enough about that, have good team-mates, have a TEAM, and do call-outs. Call out if you are being shot, call out if you throw a grenade, if you do anything, call out. If you want grenades placing anywhere, call out.

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