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Worst Case Scenario Game

Spartan T-127

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The title is pretty self explanatory. I got this idea from playing another survival game. Basically, someone has to come up with a horrible situation and the next person has to decide how to react to that horrible situation. That make sense? Here, I'll just show you.



You are in the woods and it is getting dark. You only have a box of matches and a small pocket knife. How do you prepare for nightfall?


Then you answer and come up with a different scenario yourself for the next person to answer. See? It's simple :)


(BTW the answers don't have to be realistic. You are free to use your imagination)

I'll start



You have been hiking for several hours and have not eaten the entire day. You come across a berry bush with berries you have never seen before. Do you chance eating something poisonous, or keep walking?

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make it do your homework


You swimming in the city pool when you see a covenant capitol ship move over the city, what do you do?


Run until you pass out. When you wake up, continue running. Repeat until you find secure shelter or die.


You're casually walking down the street one day and the Locust from Gears of War suddenly ascend from the ground. You are surrounded and are being held at gunpoint. What do you do?

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Go to bed


Your at a gym and decide to join a boxing match only to find out your facing the Master Chief. What do you do?


Ask him not to hurt me and that I am a huge fan of his.


What would you do if you are in a hallway and you are at one end. Then at the other end there is a brute chieftan running at you with a gravity hammer.

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I would send them to the pound for half brute-half jackal mutated puppies.





You are silently creeping through your house after hearing an abnormal sound. You get to the kitchen and turn on the lights only to find Charlie Sheen, with his mouth full, hunched over the remnants of the last Twinkies you would have ever have had. What do you do?

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Commit a last ditch suicide to try and eat the holy bacon. 'Tis a worthy cause.


You sit in your high school history class, and the student sitting next to you exclaims that she doesn't know what a typewriter is. You currently have a paperclip, a mechanical pencil, a wooden pencil, as well as a dead sharpie and a large backpack full of textbooks. How shall you rid the world of her stupidity?

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