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Lucky Fox Zero

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Bloom made the game more challenging and competetive. No wonder people didn't like it. I for one had no problem with it because it actually challenged my skill as a player as opposed to point and shoot.


No, it was made easier for people like you. Bloom introduced random aspects to the gameplay. Someone who timed all thier shots perfectly and got a headshot everytime could lose to someone who spammed the trigger as fast as possible. This is because if you didn't wait for bloom to go back down the bullets could randomly hit thier target anyway. This punished the player who was more precise with thier aim.

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Bloom added luck to a skill based game. Why try to re-invent the wheel? Why try to fix a mechanic that was not broken? What is wrong with point and shoot when that is the whole concept behind a FPS?


You could spam 5 shots, and sometimes get the kill, and other times not get the kill. Your reticle may be over their chest and head the whole time but bloom added a 'chance' that your bullet would not hit. So in turn, you may slow down your shots as to avoid bloom, bring it back to your skill in timing your shots so you are guaranteed every shot you fire hits the intended target. Then you go back to my first statement, sometimes you get lucky when you spam and all 5 shots still fire out the middle of your reticle even though bloom has taken off. So you go to the time to be precise after being screwed by bloom, and somebody uses luck to beat you. That is not skill.


Hence i hate bloom. I put a lot of time into Reach and that is my opinion. I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I rather Halo 4 where you get kills with skill and die by skill, you don't feel like bloom jipped you.

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