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Thrusterpack and Hardlight shields


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I've been playing halo4 a lot and i loved it (not about the things that are similar to CoD) but it's a great game.

I don't really use much of an armor ability but i use the thrusterpack a lot.


I have noticed that the thruster in normal slayer are useless cause it's like i can move like 2 feet over for a second..it's even slower that sprint. I also notice that when i sprint and use the thruster..it doesn't stack the speed or go along the way with sprint(i don't really know how to explain it but go try sprint>jump > thruster it just stop the sprinting speed and go into a thruster speed unless jet pack when u run and use jet pack u go up+forward)

at around 1:13 as example


My point is i just want the thruster to be like in campaign it's longer and it stacks with the sprint

around 0:13



About the hard light shield..just useless

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