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Spartan Ops... Offline or not? No riddles Please


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ive heard far too many people complaining about something about spartan ops that it is hard to believe that this mode is what it should be

i dont care about the downloading, i dont care about online, i dont care about any of that... what i want to know right now is WILL SPARTAN OPS EVER BE AVAILABLE OFFLINE!?

im sorry if this is played out so much but i cannot find the answer im looking for...

to be specific: I LOVE HALO, I have gold and have played spartan ops and i love it. MY BROTHERS, whom love halo also are PS3 fans (maybe they were right all along) (online play is free after all) so they only play halo with me. THEY DO NOT AND WILL NEVER HAVE GOLD. DOES THIS MEAN THAT THE ONLY THING I AM ABLE TO PLAY WITH MY BROTHERS WITH IS CAMPAIGN? (if that is the case, give me firefight insted)

i had really high hopes becasue playing the campaign is wonderful but playing firefight in REACH was one of the best times with my brothers. i want that back and i thought spartan ops would be it.

i hope this is just an error on my part and i dont know the lay of the land enough to make this work but PLEASE TELL ME NOW ONCE AND FOR ALL IF I WILL EVER PLAY WITH MY BROTHERS FOR HOURS EVER AGAIN!

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i guess thats their endgame (sigh) and i always defended microsoft against sony to my brothers. oh well. im not really too surprised, microsoft has always been about the money im just sad it bled into everything else too. i grew up with halo maybe ill join them on the ps3 :) its free after all (internet i mean lol)

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