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The Halo 4 Mythic Difficulty Guide


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From MythicTyrant:

A new Halo game is on the horizon, and Skulls have been confirmed (the classic pallet, fortunately). You know what this means: It's time to evolve our Campaign skills beyond the realm of Legendary and go all out Mythic!

What is Mythic difficulty? The name derives from the Heroic, Legendary, and Mythic ranks of the Bungie forums and the Halo 3 map packs. Mythic, however, was the only "rank" to never become an official difficulty. Since it is deemed to be the highest, the hardest mode the game has to offer needed to earn its title. Thus, Mythic was formed.

More specifically, Mythic difficulty refers to playing the game on Legendary with all skulls activated. We like to refer to this as SSLASO to incorporate both single player and co-op modes. No, that extra "S" wasn't a typo. Unlike simple SLASO (Solo Legendary All Skulls On), SSLASO stands for "Single-Segment Legendary All Skulls On", meaning the player must make it through each mission individually on Legendary with all Skulls on, from start to finish, in one go. No deaths. No saves. No reverting to the previous checkpoint in co-op mode. This is a challenge to be feared.

As such, this thread will serve as the main hub for Waypoint enthusiasts to visit for all their Halo 4 Campaign needs. I will be posting the guides for each mission here as they become available. For more information and guides for all Halo games, please check out my home site www.mythictyrant.com as well as Mythic Nation where all Mythic Conquerors and Apprentices (past and present) gather to share even more valuable Campaign information. You can also view all previous Mythic Guides on HBO's homepage.

I look forward to embarking on this journey with all of you. Godspeed, and as always, I'll see you on the battlefield!

The Halo 4 Mythic Difficulty Guide

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What I"m concerned about is....do you have to do the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN in one go, EG No saving and quitting, or can you simply just do it a mission at a time? I would assume and hope it's where you can simply do it mission by mission, but with how good the programmers are becoming now a days, who knows.

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