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HALO 4: Return of the Elephant!


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I loved the elephant in Halo 3. It led to so many fun times on Sandtrap to the point I absolutely hated the Sandtrap variant because the elephant wasn't present. It was a really fun team vehicle with it working like a mobile base, and it was great for forging as nothing put on it moved when it was driving. Sure it was exploited with the bomb/flag being on each meaning you could move your elephant to the enemy team's, or move it in such a position that it was hard to get the flag/bomb, but that was just part of the fun. I'd love for it to return with more protection in the back (like a toggle able open/close back door to leg hogs or other vehicle on/off and maybe being bigger to cram more stuff and players into it.


I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this!

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I loved the elephant in Halo 3. It led to so many fun times on Sandtrap to the point I absolutely hated the Sandtrap variant because the elephant wasn't present. It was a really fun team vehicle with it working like a mobile base, and it was great for forging as nothing put on it moved when it was driving. Sure it was exploited with the bomb/flag being on each meaning you could move your elephant to the enemy team's, or move it in such a position that it was hard to get the flag/bomb, but that was just part of the fun. I'd love for it to return with more protection in the back (like a toggle able open/close back door to leg hogs or other vehicle on/off and maybe being bigger to cram more stuff and players into it.


I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this!

I enjoyed the elephant in H3

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I agree with the Elephant thing. I was a bit upset that they decided to add that into Halo 3's Sand Trap match and have it in that Halo Wars game, but then exclude it from Reach. Why weren't there any Elephants fighting during the battle of Reach?


One other vehicle I would like to see added... is the Hawk from Halo Wars. Obviously not as overpowered (as in removing the gauss canon to have just a machine-gun turret or something), but make it so only one person can use the hawk at a time and there can't be multiple people on the Hawk. The main reason I want the Hawk implemented is in those cases where in Co-Op Campaign, if you get team members that grab both the Falcons and fly away to do stupid stuff (like hijack banshees), you and the other remaining team mate aren't standing around waiting for evac because you can only have two Falcons during the mission. So if the Hawk were there, players without intelligent Falcon pilots could actually continue with the game.


The Scarab might be a little overpowered. I can see the Scarab as being an objective where players need to plant a bomb in the Scarab to destroy it while it's under constructions, while giving the defending team the ability to fire the Scarab's main gun between recharges... but not as a drivable vehicle.


The Elephant was just absolutely awesome. The only problem in Halo 3 was that it couldn't be destroyed in matchmaking... so if they want to implement it back into Halo 4 Matchmaking, they should make it destroyable. Obviously it should take more damage than, say, a Scorpion tank... but it should still have the option of being destroyed... and also make it a bit faster. Driving that thing was a little pointless because it moved like a scorpion with engine problems... as in really, really slow. Just a moderate increase to make it a threat if it becomes destroyable... that way if it's destroyable and it's got some speed to it, people don't see it as completely useless. If it moved the same speed it does in Halo 3 but was destroyable, I don't think anyone would use it.

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the only way i see it overpowered if it were a superscarab or its ability to stomp on people, other than that, how is it over powered, i mean, its main canon doesnt do much damage, so does its secondary

the elephant could be upgraded and have a gauss turret at the middle for its primarry turret

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the only way i see it overpowered if it were a superscarab or its ability to stomp on people, other than that, how is it over powered, i mean, its main canon doesnt do much damage, so does its secondary

the elephant could be upgraded and have a gauss turret at the middle for its primarry turret


The Elephant is maybe 2 Scorpions tall. The Scarab is... um... tall. I haven't actually had a chance to do measurements for obvious reasons, but I'd guess they're maybe 4 - 5 scorpions tall.


The Scarab has giant legs that can crush vehicles that get under there. The Scarab has a giant canon that can obliterate anything that it fires at. The Scarab has a huge auto-fire canon at the top of the ship that can take out vehicles or people. The Scarab comes equipped with a back-end cover, of sorts, to block the reactor from being shot by enemy infantry / vehicles for a short period of time. The Scarab comes with a number of Infantry on board with an auto Plasma turret on the left, right, and rear. The Scarab's drivers are encased within the Scarab and safe against outside harm.


The Elephant's Driver is visible through the front window and can be assasinated from behind due to an open cockpit (and can also be shot from behind from long range weapons). The Elephant is open from all angles, including the front which allows vehicles to drive out from the front. The Elephant does not have its own main weapon like the Scarab's giant gun. The Elephant has 2 Machine gun turrets manned by infantry units without any protection from aerial attacks or sniper attacks. The Elephant is a dwarf compared to the Scarab and can be stepped on too.


Plus if you were to measure width of the Scarab... the Scarab is at least 3 Elephants in width if they were put side to side. Maybe 2 1/2, but still. If you were to, say, fight a Scarab in Hemorrhage, it would never be able to move because the walls would keep it stuck tight in the canyons. Elephants would be able to move easily, so that's their only advantage in that area.


So if a Scarab were to be included in a game for Matchmaking, I think it should be immobile in a construction yard, of sorts, and players need to plant a bomb inside the Scarab to win the match. The Scarab's laser would be functional, but just like with the Armor Abilities in Reach, it would have a recharge time and would need to be used wisely.




Even if you upgraded the Elephant's guns to be Gauss turrets, the Elephant's crew would still be visible to all units from all locations (air, front, back, etc.) while as the Scarab's crew is safe due to the legs blocking shots, the vehicle being able to turn very fast, and of course, the pilot being completely enclosed.

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So fun trolling people on the enemy team with the loud horn. Just roll up by their base, blast it a few times, and wait. They come to 'kill' you in your little cockpit, then your team jumps out and spanks them.

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I loved the elephant in Halo 3. It led to so many fun times on Sandtrap to the point I absolutely hated the Sandtrap variant because the elephant wasn't present. It was a really fun team vehicle with it working like a mobile base, and it was great for forging as nothing put on it moved when it was driving. Sure it was exploited with the bomb/flag being on each meaning you could move your elephant to the enemy team's, or move it in such a position that it was hard to get the flag/bomb, but that was just part of the fun. I'd love for it to return with more protection in the back (like a toggle able open/close back door to leg hogs or other vehicle on/off and maybe being bigger to cram more stuff and players into it.


I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this!

You my good sir, get +1 internets.

Those are some great ideas. I really hope they have the elephant in Halo 4.

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