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Mr Biggles

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Posts posted by Mr Biggles

  1. The music needs to be Unique and memorable to Halo 5. It cannot be repeats or extracts from the other Halos, as, while it will be memorable, it will be old and get tiredsome quickly.

    The music needs to go in a new path such as Halo did, as the music is so instrumental to any game.

    Personally, i believe that Halo 4's music was not as good as previous, but still memorable.

  2. To be honest, it can go one of two ways:

    1) They don't earn anymore money to give them a profit, they go bankrupt and therefore out of business, as their main products are not selling so well (Wii, Wii U)
    2) They stay steady, and keep being around but slowly start to decline, and will be a much slower process of being bankrupt.

    Or a third point:
    3) They earn loads of money because of a brand new product they make

    I don't see them having the same success they used to have, just because the gaming industry is really dominated now by Sony and Microsoft.


    Around 40 % of the world as of 31 december 2013 use the internet and own a computer. 


    Population (EST.) 2014:              7,181,858,619
    Internet users dec 31 2000:         360,985,492
    Internet users latest data:           2,802,478,934
    penetration (% population):        39.0 %
    Growth 2000 - 2014:                     676.3 %
    Users of table:                             100.0 %


    You don't need to give me stats. Keep in mind your also using places that don't even have electricity, i was talking about places which actually are avaliable to things like PC's and the Internet, and also places that don't have such bans on the internet which can restrict the access (China)


    I've edited my post to make it clearer.


    I meant by that the Majority of the people on the internet have a PC. Don't try and make me sound like an idiot thanks.

  4. It is also really really boring :D


    And not everyone owns a pc.

    The Majority of people here and on the internet have a PC, and even people who don't have the internet will possibly have a PC.


    You're right, not everyone does, but the majority do who will have internet access in their own home.


    It's really boring when you play by yourself, but people who play it with friends, it is fun, It's not simply just building houses and making it better as you said.

  5. Well it is a numbers game, even if the population of for instance Reach is still high, but if more people own and play on the Xbox one than on the 360, they will in all chance shut it down and focus the gained servers to supporting the xbox one platform. But it could take months if not years.

    The difference Is Halo Reach is not coming to Xbox one any time soon, so it is kind of silly to close that since there is no other way to play it, maybe if there is way of porting it to PC or XB1,  But Halo 3 is on the Xbox one now.


    Why keep an xbox 360 server of Halo 3, which will have 500, when the Xbox one could have 50,000 at 1 time for MCC, not Simply Halo 3. It wouldn't surprise me at some later point the Halo 4 servers on Xbox 360 shut down, 2-3 years maybe.

  6. They keep it at least running untill 2016 or 2018. I mean if the 360 still has a larger consumer base thant the one, they won't shut it down to force people to switch to next gen.

    It depends on numbers.


    If people buy MCC and the Halo 3 population dwindles further, there's not much reason to keep it on.


    It's not like Halo Wars, it's not a 1 of a kind title.

  7. Hey guys, so as you have probably noticed, i have being inactive lately (Going to change slightly, with this year being an important year i can't be on as much as i'd like to be, but i will be on when i can) and as you may have noticed, my series about giving you guys tips and tricks has not being easy for me to do.

    So i need your opinion, which halo should i continue with, if any? And should it just be me doing it? or should i share the ideas and content with someone else who is just as experienced with Halo as i am, so we get weekly/daily posts out? i want to hear YOUR opinion in the poll and why you think this would be the best way forward, as i feel I am letting you guys down.


    Big <3

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