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  1. NEEDS TO BE FIXED! I am more than furious with this new ranking system. I really hope everyone else can try and reach out to 343 about this issue. Here is my problem: They need to be based on personal performance and not team performance. I Started at gold 2 and now am back at bronze 2 and I can assure you its not my playing. I have logged on this morning and have played 4 games now. In which I have gotten over 20 kills myself and still losing horribly. The main reason is there are people playing with me whom get 3 kills but 17 deaths, yes I know everyone has they're bad games and that's ok we are all human here. The problem with it is that it is an ongoing process. I have been playing halo since the very first one.. point being im not a newbie at the franchise and people like me should not be paired with these people getting 4 kills and 20 deaths. I love the idea of the ranking system don't get me wrong but not the way it works at the moment. If they want a rank that depicts on teams then they need to build a clan based playlist with a separate ranking then the one you get when you want or have to play by yourself. Im having a great experience with this game overall, This is my biggest concern and it needs to be addressed over all others in my opinion or Microsoft is going to make a lot of money off of broken xbox accessories.
  2. Welcome to the Community Murphanationn :welcome:

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