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John Paul Thornton

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  1. Halo 4, **** your broken ass betrayal system. If some dude jumps on a tank I'm in the process of destroying, that shouldn't be a betrayal. If a banshee bomb takes out a team mate who magically teleports out of nowhere cuz of your massive lagging, that shouldn't be a betrayal. Basically, why does the betrayal system suck so bad? If I'm taking off in a banshee, and the wing clips a dude who was also trying to get in the banshee and kills him, that shouldn't be a betrayal. Sitting here writing this after that just happened. **** you, 343. If I'm barely moving in a wraith, and I happen to nudge a teammate because one or both of us are dodging fire, that shouldn't be a betrayal. If I'm trying to go somewhere in a slow ass tank and some dumbass is hopping around trying to get in the machine gun turret and , due to his own stupidity in getting in front of a moving tank , gets run over, that shouldn't be a betrayal. I mean, who would do that IRL? Who is that stupid? 'Lemme get in front of this 50 tonne moving war machine and jump around.' Oh, speaking of! And if , while he's hopping around , I fire and he gets hit, that shouldn't be a betrayal. Who stands in front of firing guns? Whose fault is that, really?
  2. Still serious lag in about half the games I try to play on 4. Flying along just now, banshee just exploded as I warped into something.
  3. Thanks for the replies , guys. I'm just so frustrated with it. And I Do own a one, but halo 4 is not backwards compatible yet so that it can benefit from the faster processor speed. Any idea when that will happen?
  4. Black screen of death 4 times in ragnarok heavies just now. This is a big old F YOU from 343 to non halo 5 players. Like "we already have your money, what're you gonna do? Not play? Hababahabaha!"
  5. Black screen of death 4 times in ragnarok heavies just now. This is a big old F YOU from 343 to non halo 5 players. Like "we already have your money, what're you gonna do? Not play? Hababahabaha!" So sick of this crap.
  6. Absurd lag just now in halo 4 heavies in longbow. Guys just warping around everywhere. Half of each team quit. I can't blame them. If I hadn't been in the lead somehow I would have too.
  7. I DO expect them to fix old games, and here's why. Im a huge halo fan. Bougt all the games, even 5, watched all the movies. Fixing balky products is one of the main ways you keep loyal fans. Car companies know this. That's why there are occasional recalls. Other companies know this. That's why they arrive to get repeat business. Allowing known flaws to continue is just a big F YOU to its customers base.
  8. dude betrays me a total of six times in ragnarok heavies just now. Six. Times. a couple of times with a tank, a few more with plain old guns and grenades. no chance to boot was offered to me. but the second i frag him, away i go. wtf, 343. can yall STILL not figure this **** out?
  9. Why is this STILL an issue? 343 , you SUCK for not fixing the screwed up betrayal system (or lack thereof) in 4. This thread is 3 years old, and the comments in it are still valid, for some reason. Betrayals are so inconsistent. Oops, a dude jumped on a wraith I'm firing on and gets killed? Instabooted! (That just happened). But a dude can literally frag my vehicle til it explodes and that's cool. How? Stop sucking!
  10. The betrayal system on halo 4 sucks balls. I hope it actually makes sense in halo 5, cuz otherwise I would have to log in here a x post the same thing again. Cuz apparently 343 doesn't give a crap. Way to take advantage of your fans like this.
  11. Yep, this keeps happening, and is maddeningly annoying. I know I'm not the only one with this problem. I just want the option of what map type I'm going to be playing, not just dropped intoone randomly. But I guess 343 is done caring about halo 4 now that the master chief collectkon (and soon 5) is out. Way to look out for your fan base.
  12. Could you PlEasE stop auto loading a person into a game already underway? I got loaded into freakin vortexx 3 times in a row, I do t even like vortex.
  13. Welcome to the Community John Paul Thornton :welcome:

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