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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello hello. As other's have stated in their postings there are quite a few bugs causing hiccups while trying to play. This is a list that I've encountered, some of which may have already been stated. I've also found that some regions are getting better when it comes to MM. Regardless. 1. Search times in any playlist are slow. Very slow. 2. When searching in a playlist, sometimes it isn't actually searching. It shows my "roster" as myself but no "searching for other player". Fixed by just backing to the menu then going back to "find a game". 3. In all playlist's uneven team starts. 6v4, 5v4,4v3 and even a 7v1. 4. Games ending early. Various games have been Team Slayer (50 kills) but have ended at 10, 25, 30, 38 etc. Even with even teams. Mainly seen in Halo 2 Classic. 5. Can't vote when looking at customization page. It will show me the maps to vote in, but there is no way to select. 6. Game crashing after a win. It seems like this happens more in H2A playlists. 7. Halo CE- Buggy shot registration, XBC had less issues. 8. Game's ending in loading screen. 9. Can't connect to host while searching alone (?) Awkward. 10. Halo 3 controller configuration. Regardless of what I set it to, under universal or "classic" settings, RB is always weapon swap. 11. Random controller changes. 15 times now mid game my controller will change to Legacy Southpaw. Wut. 12. Losing my party after custom games/random party leader selected. That's just a brief summary of the more annoying issues I've encountered. Hopefully with the new updates some of these can be flattened out, oh and can we remove SMG starts on specific maps for Slayer? *Cough, Zanzibar.
  2. Welcome to the Community IHATEKEVINBRAND :welcome:

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