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Nelson Silva

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  1. Hello! I am a new user in the forum because i believe i can help with a good online experience, after alot of thinking i think i've come to the conclusion why many games past halo 3 did not have that big of an impact in us and i thought i would share my opinion in the hopes that it gets heard and ultimately applied in the future of gaming, thus bringing back the good old "fun." So, we want halo 5 to be the best gaming experience of the generation because its in the franchize's pedigree to do so and i'm of the oppinion that halo 4, despite having a relativelly short campaign and exploring some horizons that the comunity wasnt entirely comfortable with (eg master chief's humanity), it was STILL an amazing game. I am of the oppinion that the game was head on Halo's lineage, i didnt feel that it was as off as Halo: reach for example. The major problem with the game was the people's interest in it. What i think the problem was, and is: Halo has always been a very comunity-driven game and back in halo 3 as soon as you entered the lobby you imediatelly made friends AND enemies, you knew who was cool and who was just simply killeable AND most importantly, you knew where your mom had spent the night. after the game was done you had several options with the people you just met: you could go GG noob learn to play, you could congratulate your newly found teammates and invite them to play again OR you could gather a group of cool people you just met to go into some custom games and screw around with the comunity's greatest creations, THAT was fun, THAT attracted people! Who here didnt spent whole days simply exploring comunity made maps and gametypes? WHY did this change you may ask? Well, its not the lack of content creation support; that's been greatly improved since halo 3's launch, and with it's development there should be alot more cool content for people to enjoy. So what DID change? the answer to that leads me to my point. The party chat system ruined the comunity part of gaming. Now dont get me wrong, i love being able to be in a party at the same time with all my friends and talking to them while playing different games, but that's just the problem. in halo 3, the party system didnt afect it that much for the simple fact that it came later in the game and you already had a near full friends list that played mostly halo. (back in my day out of 100 friends i had about 80 to play halo with) in halo:reach you didnt feel that much of an impact because it was still a relatively close release to halo 3, so most of your friends still bought it, even tho some started falling off the wagon. At this point, even tho its not worrysome, its the start of the problem. so you play halo with your old friends, you gather a few, get into a party and start a game. All swell. But then what? by being in a party with your friends, you're imediately cutting off the oportunity to meet new fun people, and by this time half your friends have moved on to call of duty or battlefield or simply gave up gaming overall. By halo 4, you probably dont have a full friends list for that matter. (in my case i had started playing call of duty with some known people, and the reason for that is that in the serach and destroy mode you're forced into game chat, its a completely different experience. mind you that this decision was subconscious) and this led to a slow and steady decay of the overall comunity, believe me or not. Now one could argue, "this is simple, just get your ass off party chat when you go into a game". but nah, its not that simple when half the people you get are already in parties with friends and the other half dont have a microphone on. Admit it, everyone gets into a party, even if alone, when they join a lobby just so that they dont have to hear **** from anyone. so my solution for a revolutionary halo 5? Force everyone into game chat at the start of the game! its really that simple. by forcing comunication with other people, you're meeting diferent folk that want to play with you and want to share ideas and content with you, thus increasing the probability of GOOD content creation for a bigger range of people now that there's actually people that WANT to play with eachother and lets face it, its friggin fun to taunt the enemies over the mic while teabagging their dead corpeses. So bottom line, i would like to see forced gamechat in matchmaking lobbies and i believe that it would help make the game alot better. Thank you for you attention and i hope this doesnt go unseen!
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