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™★[email protected]★™

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    Chilling with my friends and playing Halo and Call of Duty

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™★[email protected]★™'s Achievements


Hunter (4/19)



  1. well its not that easy to stop boosters bro all u can do is to try to avoid them thats what i would do
  2. welcome bro if u ever need any thing just let me know yo
  3. hey no prob bro ikm here to make people feel good about them selves wolfs 4 life
  4. Why does the wolf cry to the moon? some may wonder is it just a natural instinct that shows a purpose for a wolf to cry to the moon we may never know. Some times i wonder what are they crying to the moon for is it because thy're alone? or is it just because it is what they do? I think the reason why wolfs cry to the moon is because of both because they are alone and because it's what they do but i also think that they cry to the moon is to show pride for what they are. Wolfs are strong and smart and people should realize that just like us wolfs should also be shown respect just as much as we should show respect to each other. so who ever reads this i hope you like it and think about this. This is why wolfs basically cry to the moon.
  5. like i said it was a hack because theres no glitch wehere you can shoot through a wall
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