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georgia22's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hey, We have seen your interest in Halo and thought it would be cool to let you know about something, which we could invite you guys in participating. Imagine a weekly gaming league where you pit yourself against other universities, colleges and even schools going head to head to see who is top dog. It’s going to be epic! And we already have sponsors involved such as Game and Razer with numerous more to come. It goes by the name Student Gaming Championships. Major games will be used during the championships, such as FIFA, League of Legends, and Smash Bro’s etc. (See link below for full list of games). So there’s definitely going to be a game for you or your team/teams. We’re looking to make this a monster of an event. Rivalries will be made and scores will be settled. Are you in? Of course everything starts from ground zero and this is going to be season one. There will be a few ups and downs for sure but we’d love to have you on board for the ride and help develop what will hopefully become the worlds largest Student Gaming Championships. The official site will be: http://studentgamingchampionships.com/ So just get back to us and we can fill you in and get you guys involved. This will be epic and even more epic if you guys join us! There will only be space for 100 teams so get back to u quickly to secure your place. Student Gaming Championships
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