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    I am a webmaster, blogger, and I strive to help people who suffer from tourette syndrome, as I even made an online community for them called Tourettes.me

    I try my best to help who I can, when I can, so if you need any help what so ever, personal, or problematic, feel free to PM me directly.

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    AGC Xyphien
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  1. I posted this on another post, but it's the same type of discussion. Everything is wrong with the matchmaking, the game is no Call Of Duty: Halo Edition. There is nothing halo about it, you can leave and join freely, there goes communication, and teamwork, you buy, and can choose weapons, you get care packages, I mean ordinances, camping, the player base is now mostly COD like as well. They simply need to put a CLASSIC SLAYER into the game, and it would make it all the better.
  2. Goku has always been my favorite, but I have to say Gohan going SS2 for the first ever time against Cell had to put Gohan up there with my favorites. On other news about DBZ, think hard, almost all the characters have some type of food related name.
  3. So if anyone is a Halo 3+ fan, you've probably spent hours, upon hours playing trash compactor right? Well when Halo 4 first came out, Arcangel372 and myself spent days recreating Trash Compactor with no reference, just from memory. We spent days perfecting it, and yesterday, which was my third day back from quitting halo 4 I added a few randoms thinking they were people who wanted to play halo from 343i, and other places. Turns out, my map is featured by several other youtube partners other than myself, made map of the week, and is the number one trash compactor map on Halo 4. I am absolutely shocked by this Just wanted to share the news, and because of this, I'm getting back into forge. I'll be making some doubles maps here soon, as well as some other things. I'm still shocked by this, and wanted to share with everyone, as that's every forgers dream I guess, is to have everyone playing, and absolutely love your map.
  4. Welcome Ian, glad to have you here, and greatly looking forward to seeing you around the forum more.
  5. Welcome to the site, I am 19 as well Any way, looking forward to seeing you around the site more.
  6. I learned so much about you from this very well written post. Glad to have you on the forum sir, looking forward to seeing more of your excellent posts, and yourself in the near future around the forum!
  7. Banned for constantly spamming my notifications with updates! (Also, I didn't actually think the topic creator got banned XD)
  8. Congratulations! This is an amazing award indeed, and you totally deserve it!
  9. Xyphien

    PRO Game type

    So one of the reasons I quit halo, and still the reason I hate this halo comparatively than the other games is because they have ordnance drops, non pre-made classes, ect. With Slayer Pro all of this is left out, but you rarely play it as everyone seems to like the normal versions. Why not come out with a MLG type playlist, Call it what ever from PRO to MLG, it doesn't matter. But have it set up like original halo games. I feel this will allow people who do not like the new style of halo, and wish to play like the original, with no perks, pre-made classes, and items spawns can go and play. As it's also what they do in MLG now if I'm not mistaken. Why have it as a %10 chance to play in the normal 4v4 and instead make a whole new gametype.
  10. This is exactly how I feel as well. Sci-Fi games seem to have a better built story line, as well as draw me in more as it's something that isn't real, and something that could in fact happen. It makes me think a lot, I am a huge logical person, so anything that has an amazing concept like this game has me hooked instantly. I'm not a huge single player, or story line gamer unless it's either Horror filled, or Fantasy based.
  11. Sounds good :3 What is your gamertag so I can add you
  12. Banned for having Halo in your name and not owning a Xbox!
  13. 7 months is pretty long I must say.
  14. I have never been a Sony fan... at all lol. Playstation 2 was awesome, after that, ehh.
  15. I'm a horror fanatic. I normally watch Horror Genre movies, as well as play Horror genre games. One of my favorite games is Fear 2, absolutely an amazing game I love to play.
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