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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Binary is something that should stay in ordinance.. I mean its strong but if everyone had one that'd be just... -shudders-
  2. So 343 you got Halo 4 out! CONGRATZ!! Now it's time to see what playlists you guys unleash! I just want to recommend the next playlist that be introduced to halo 4: TEAM SNIPERS!! So 343 community if you back this please post your support and make it visible. - From a Halo sniper extremist.
  3. Well, my brother was playing just fine on his account then as soon as I logged him off so I could play we had these server issues. It started saying that we couldn't connect to the halo 4 server. So then I went back to his account to see whether or not it was just my account, his account was unable to connect as well. Sucks that on my day off I can't play..
  4. iBegan

    DLC maps?

    Alright thanks brah.
  5. iBegan

    DLC maps?

    So I downloaded the DLC for 2000 points, now I'm wondering why does it seem like nothing changed. There are no new maps in the infinity slayer playlist... I know that its a map pass so I'll get maps as time goes on BUT do I get at least 1 map? O_O Also do you guys know whether or not I'm suppose to have Team Snipers? If not will it be added? That playlist is what makes Halo fun. (For me.) :]
  6. iBegan

    DLC maps?

    So I downloaded the DLC for 2000 points, now I'm wondering why does it seem like nothing changed. There are no new maps in the infinity slayer playlist... I know that its a map pass so I'll get maps as time goes on BUT do I get at least 1 map? O_O
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