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    SiK SHoTSx

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  1. Halo 4 sadly means the end of halo for me, it's to call of dutyish, so I'm going to play cod ironically, cod does cod better than halo does cod. I do remember the rocket sword lunge, BXR, even double Melee in halo 1 (Melee, grenade, Melee) making it so you could smack someone twice before they could smack you once.
  2. I'll send you fifteen games double XP, is your gamertag still Guns UK? Send me an xbl message, I don't get on these forums much and I'll send you the games, only the OP don't want a bunch of people messaging me. Just realized I was a moron, didn't give you my GT, either way I've got LOTS of dub XP so I'll just add fifteen games to guns UK and hope that's still it, if not message me on xbl at SiK shotsx and I'll give it to you.
  3. OMG I loved Zani!! I'd love to see The Pit, Zanzibar, Lockout, Hang 'em High, and Ivory Tower. I'd also really love to see Headlong, Turf, Sanctuary, and Warlock. Really pretty much any Halo 2 maps, they were all so amazing.
  4. Sorry, you're pretty much out of luck, if 343 addressed every XP lose they'd never have time to do anything else. There is probabley am email address somewhere to submit bugs/tech problems, but you'll never get that XP back.
  5. I JUST finished the campaign and was thinking the same thing, I saw someone on here say they hoped Cortana would somehow take over the forerunner's computers and be the center of the planet and Halo 5. What ever it is I hope she's there.
  6. Don't put any faith in the kill cams, they're VERY inaccurate most of the time, even more so if there is any lag.
  7. The maps aren't out, when you buy the map pass all it does is gives you access to the maps when they come out, when the first map pack comes out you'll still have to download it.
  8. What about using a headset (regular headset, not the $150 ones) and turn the volume of your TV down? Not the most ideal solution, but it should work, regular headset is like $15. Probably get one a lot cheaper online.
  9. I wanted to ask a mod this, but didn't want to start a new thread. I know this is a community forum, but is there a forum out there on the interwebz that the devs read or look at? Just curious, I've nothing but good things to say about H4, I'd just like to know.
  10. I kind of forgot about 1 flag CTF, stopped playing because of Reach, so it's been a while. 1 flag would be awesome on some of these maps, really hoping they add it now.
  11. You're a moron, Halo 2 and 3 had awesome matchmaking, people didn't quit games because they knew they'd be screwing their team over. Now people quit ALL the time, especially if they are losing. I don't want to be thrown into a game that's almost over with no way of my team winning just because someone decided they didn't want to finish a game they started. One of the few things I liked about Reach was that quitters were punished. CoD isn't as competitive has Halo is, in CoD I didn't mind JIP so much, but there's no place for it in Halo. Hopefully JIP will be disabled in the ranked playlists or I won't be playing ranked, wouldn't want to risk going down a rank after getting tossed into an all but finished match. Oh yea, "thank you"
  12. Awful, halo has always been great to me because everyone started out on even footing, if you wanted a different weapon you had to fight for it. That's why I play team slayer pro, it still has load outs but only three and they're the same for everyone, would still prefer no load outs at all though. Can't wait for MLG playlists!
  13. I've been wondering if maybe 343 has the XP cap so they can create an automated system to detect and reset/ban boosters fairly quickly. I hope it's removed or at least make it a LOT harder to hit, and maybe it will be when they have a dependable system to automatically detect the boosters. It's just a guess and I could be wrong, it was just an idea of why they might have a cap in place right now, they wouldn't want boosters getting to sr-130 the first week after release. Either way I want it gone or raised so high a normal person playing all day wouldn't hit it, make it so it'd be almost impossible to hit unless you're boosting.
  14. I never knew it switched you to 3rd person, never used it obviously, but now I'll be sure not to use it. Switching to 3rd person sounds like an awful idea, seems like it would throw your aim off, either way I'm glad I know so I don't have to try it now.
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