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  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    I have too much to say...

    GT: Riot Rojas

    visit me at bungie.net or xbox.com

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  • Gamertag
    Riot Rojas

RiotRojas1's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Hello, Halokittygirl. I'm somewhat of a returning/new member, since i spent most of my time in Waypoint. Welcome to the forums,
  2. Ugh......Forge Edits, so draining and time consuming....

  3. Im tempted to add my Deviant page b/c I've got a load of Halo Screenshots, but i've got other custom pics from another series on there too

  4. Well, at this point, I have a 35 in BTB. Shame my lovely 45 from Infinity Slayer disappeared,
  5. Yup, thats exactly what i did, and i cannot believe that after I finished Reach, and got Halo Anniversary, 10 additional achievements were posted to Reach multiplayer 4 i believe is for Defiant and the rest is for Anniversary.....i cannot believe it.
  6. @M4STERCH3F Yup.....I would also want to play as a brute just to see how brutes assassinate.
  7. Hey, i understand this is kind of late, but i am looking for players who are interested into playing the two firefight vidmaster challenges, because although its my last two achievements in ODST, I just wanna finish that game. Let me know if ya interested.
  8. Damn.....thanks for letting me know, i cannot find a single one....if ya find more let me know.
  9. It would b amazing to play not only as a Spartan or and Elite, but a Brute, or at least, make a firefight match called "Brutrocity".
  10. Playin' Halo CE: Anniversary.......damn its amazin.

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