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Gold likes epic

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Gold likes epic last won the day on August 30 2011

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Brute (5/19)



  1. No point in arguing bloom with fools like you really. They are removing it.
  2. If you knew how bloom worked you would know how to play the game and you don't. kthnxbai
  3. A person does not need to understand the exact physics of a basketball or jumping in order to understand that it is easier to dunk on a 5 ft hoop than a 10 ft hoop.
  4. Bottom line is no bloom makes the kill times much faster and has has been proved in videos. You are full of ****. I will get back when I have more to say but for now all I can say is lol.
  5. You still get your bloom in other playlists. If you like armorlock well then the joke is on you.
  6. Yeah but bungie has been known to be bad at there own games.
  7. You can't get used to bloom, its random. I've been putting up with it. Reaper is talking bull **** not the truth. The TU is coming out to fit with the remake maps, to give a more classic feel. Not every playlist will have no bloom so if you like your dumb random bloom play the playlists its in. Saying "the haters are getting what they want" is the dumbest thing I've heard. i343 is trying to give the fans what they want.
  8. no bloom = much faster kill times. its a good thing.
  9. Well good for you. Bloom is still random. My DMR stats is: Kills: 15,198 | Deaths: 7,806 It would seem I win most battles with it and I know what I'm dong. Nope its still random BS.
  10. You must be lucky or something cos 1 nade kills me all the time. I've got used to them but I'd still like them to be a little less powerful.
  11. Sup, I like you unlike some of the idiots on this forum.

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