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A Tribute To Spectral Jester


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One day there was this kid named bro, bro said Im go' be the best spartan evar, so then he was, six years later he was all like, my name is spectral jester, fear me! then he went out on a mission and saved reach from total extermination, but all the credit went to stupid noble team who all died, then he went and did some other stuff.


Then Spectral went and met master chief. So they went on some adventures, killed some aliens. Then This big thing came along and chief was all like Meow. So then spectral tried to save him but chief was already tied up and frozen against his will. Then spectral went berserk and defeated all of his opponents.


After that spectral was sent to a covenant facility but he crafted a nuke out of some flint, rock, and a paper clip. He blew that base up! Then he called in a warthog and it came and instead of the turret there was an automatic homing grenade launcher. And he could control the turret from the driver seat. And it could fly. So then he went and killed some other stuff.


Then Spectral went and found a scarab but his power level was so high that it sped up and he crashed it into a wall. But luckily on that wall was a covenant artifact that he destroyed single handedly. And from his awesomeness he made a dark matter clone of himself that he named Twam. But Twam went and killed some other stuff, while Spectral killed some more stuff.


Then the UNSC found out about Twam. So they hunted him down. But then Spectral came in and kicked down a revolving door. He took the UNSC and beat them with their own fists. But he saved Twam and they found jet packs and lifted off without a trace. The UNSC launched a MAC Cannon at them. But Spectral was so intense that he just looked at the super sonic round of bullet and it cried to it's mommy and ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Well Spectral got tired of killing stuff so he went to his local taco bell, there he met Vitamin PWN. Vitamin was a cool dude, with a mohawk and a tattoo of El Silverado eating a ford. "Waddup Broham!" vitamin said to Spectral. "Nothin' much homie V" Spectral said, he didnt know how he knew his name but apparently they had some kind of soul connection. And then all heck broke loose.


All of a sudden the Arbiter came out of no where. Why are you here? Spectral asked. To steal all of your'e baja blast! Arbiter said. But then Absolute Dog broke through the windows and took a knife to the Arbiters neck. But then a bunch of grunts came in but Spectral just looked at them and they all dropped dead. Absolute ran away without saying a word.


When they least expected it, the cashier turned into a hunter, but then Spectral pounced on it and stole it's gun and shot it. So then Trey came out of no where. He was just in active camo the whole time! But then an elite appeared in front of him. Trey beat him down like a boss. Then Trey ran away. And there Spectral and Vitamin were, in a flaming Taco Bell. We later talked to Zed the Evil Taco about the downfall of one of his businesses. He said he will burn someone at the stake for their heresy.


Well Vitamin got bored of being with Spectral because he had some other work to do, so he went out and well, did it. Spectral went on to become an international spy for the MI6. The name James Bond is actually Spectral Jester backwards. No seriously. Then James Moriarty came out of nowhere and bit Spectral on the neck. Too bad Spectral has the blood of the gods and James died instantly.


So Spectral, while on a mission to find the golden apple, met a dragon. The dragon's name was Mr.Biggles. Spectral was like hey dragon man you want me to turn you human. So Biggles said yes and Spectral Fos Ru Dah'd him so hard he turned human! Meanwhile Benito Mossulini was flying a nuclear missile straight towards them. Spectral was like Really? So then he round house kicked it all the way into the moon and killed all the stupid aliens.

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An obvious "Troll" thread of someone who is trying to get into the good graces of Jester......where do I sign up? lol


Seriously Jester has proven himself not only a great Community Moderator, but he is: a fun personality, knowledgeable, magnanimous, a good friend, hater of spam, lover of a good thread, awesome poster, even tempered, responsible, well mannered, Reach god,disease free, understanding father, loving husband, and pretty cute as well!


"Hail Jester", the future King of England!


This should be purely seen as a total suck up move done in hopes of getting in his good graces an should not be taken as parody.

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