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"No Turning Back" 343iSSC Sept.


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Chapter 1: Echo


Arqueta and his team were startled when they heard the emergency alarm sound. “Search and Rescue Team Echo, report to the bridge immediately!” crackled the Captain’s voice over the intercom. “Move it!” ordered Arqueta. “Yes Sir!” replied Velasco, Endo and Redmond. The team ran past other crew members who were rushing toward their posts. Redmond arrived first. She saluted the Captain, “Reporting for duty, Sir!” “At ease Redmond.” replied the Captain. “Here we are Sir.” said Arqueta. “Good. I suppose you are all wondering why I called you four here.” said the Captain. “8 months ago, our top scientists made a prototype Frigate, the UNSC Good Fortune. It was equipped with plasma weapons, similar to the ones the Covenant use. 2 months later, it was sent on its maiden voyage with 2000 crew. The problem is that it dropped off the grid half way through its voyage. Nobody has seen it since.”. “Go on.” said Endo. “Nobody has seen it, until now. Look.” said the Captain as he pointed at a monitor to his left. Arqueta and his team looked at the monitor. “The ship is currently drifting through space in front of us. We intercepted a distress from it. Your job is to find the crew and what happened to the ship.” said the Captain. “Roger that Sir. We’ll get on it right away.” replied Velasco. “Good to hear. Dismissed.” said the Captain. Echo Team turned and left the bridge. “I don’t like this.” said Redmond. “It’s our job. Like it or not. Get your gear. I’ll ready the Transport.” replied Arqueta. 


Arqueta ran toward the hangar. “I need a Pelican outfitted for Search and Rescue ASAP.” said Arqueta to one of the marines. “Yes Sir!” replied the marine before rounding up several others to help him. Redmond, Velasco and Endo joined Arqueta in the hangar. “Locked and loaded.” said Valesco. “Great. Transport is ready.” replied Arqueta. The team boarded the Pelican. “Ready?” asked Endo. “Go for it.” said Valesco. “Alright! Hold on!” said Endo. The Pelican descended into a launch chamber. The engines roared to life. The Pelican shot out of the launch chamber and headed directly toward the frigate. “How do we get in?” asked Redmond. “I see a hull breach at the starboard bow” replied Endo. “That doesn’t sound good.” said Arqueta. “Nothing in our job ever does.” replied Valesco. “We should have brought better weapons.” said Redmond. “We’ll be fine.” replied Endo. “I hope so.” muttered Arqueta. “What’s the catch to this mission?” asked Endo. “None.”, replied Valesco.



Chapter 2: Good Fortune


Endo turned to talk to his team. “Alright people, 20 seconds till touchdown!” said Endo. “We split into two teams. Endo and Redmond you go to the bridge. Valesco and I are going to search the lower levels.” said Arqueta. “Roger that” replied Valesco. “5 seconds!” said Endo. “Alright. We’re down.” The Pelican’s engines died. The team activated their thruster packs and drifted out of the Pelican. “Radio in as soon as you find anything.” ordered Arqueta. “Roger. Stay safe.” replied Redmond. Arqueta and Valesco boosted right down a corridor. A malfunctioning door stood in their path. “Help me open this.” said Valesco. Arqueta drifted over to Valesco and they pulled the door open. The pair entered the room. “Looks like the motor pool.” said Arqueta. “Check that console.” replied Valesco. Arqueta grabbed the console and inspected it. “Some areas still have pressure.” said Arqueta. “Valesco? Come in Valesco!” “Arqueta….you have to see this.” replied Valesco. Arqueta looked over and Valesco and switched on the flashlight connected to his helmet. “Dear God.” said Arqueta. A marine’s body was trapped under a crate. Their chest was completely ripped open. “If we have any chance of finding who or what did that to him, it’s in the areas that still have pressure.” said Arqueta. “Lead the way.” replied Valesco.


Arqueta and Valesco drifted towards an airlock. The pair sealed the door and waited for the pressure to equalise. “Arqueta, this is Endo. We have arrived at the bridge but the doors are sealed tight. Might take a while.” said Endo over the team’s communication channel. “Roger that.” replied Arqueta. Valesco opened the door of the airlock and the pair exited it. “Take off your helmet.” ordered Arqueta. “What’s that smell?” asked Valesco. “I don’t know but we have to find out.” replied Arqueta. Valesco walked ahead of Arqueta, gun at the ready. A blob of slime landed on Valesco’s left foot. “What the?” said Valesco. “Look up.” replied Arqueta. The ceiling was covered in green slime. A loud crack startled the pair. “I stood on a bone.” said Arqueta. “It’s human.” “Keep moving.” said Valesco, his voice was shaky. “Arqueta, come in.” said Redmond over the team’s communication channel. “We searched the bridge. Nobody in there survived. Coming to you now.” “Roger that.” replied Arqueta.



Chapter 3: The Catch


“Arqueta. We’re through the airlock.” said Endo. “Watch out for any clues.” replied Arqueta. Valesco put his helmet back on. “A motion sensor would help around here.” said Valesco. Arqueta nodded. The pair took a left down a long corridor. The lights shut off and they were plunged into darkness. Arqueta quickly put on his helmet. “Flashlight. Now!” ordered Arqueta. They both switched on their flashlights. “Oh man. No, no, no.” said Valesco. “What is it?” asked Arqueta. “Motion sensor!” said Valesco urgently. Arqueta checked his motion sensor. Red dots at fifty metres were approaching from the left. “Left side!”, said Arqueta. The pair aimed their rifles down the corridor. “30 metres!” said Valesco. “Do you have eyes on?” asked Arqueta. “No! You?” replied Valesco with panic in his voice. “No.” replied Arqueta. “15 metres! 10 metres! 5! Oh god!” shouted Valesco. “Cool it!” ordered Arqueta. “1 metre!” cried Valesco. “Are they above or below?” asked Arqueta. “I don’t know!” replied Valesco. “Quiet.” said Arqueta. The pair stood silent. A faint thud echoed through the darkness. They stood for several minutes. “They’re gone.” said Valesco. “Radio Endo!” ordered Arqueta. “Endo! We encountered large unknown force heading toward your location.” said Valesco over the communication channel. “I know! We’re picking them up on our motion sensors and they’re closing fast!” replied Endo. “Oh no” said Arqueta. He feared the worst. “Valesco! Redmond and Endo are in trouble!” said Arqueta urgently. “Lead the way.” replied Valesco. Arqueta and Valesco ran through the ship toward Endo and Redmond. “They’ve stopped right above us!” said Endo urgently. “Hang on! We’re almost to you.” replied Valesco. “They’re breaking through the ceiling! Endo, open fire!” said Redmond. Arqueta and Valesco heard gunshots echoing through the ship. “Move it!” shouted Arqueta. 


The pair sprinted down corridors and took sharp turns. “Get back! Die! DIE!” screamed Endo. “Look out!” said Redmond. “Status!” ordered Arqueta. “They’re everywhere! We can’t hold them for much longer!” said Endo urgently. “We’ll be there in a minute!” replied Valesco. “Redmond! The door!” shouted Endo. “Oh god! Stay away! Stay away!” shouted Redmond. “I’m out!” said Endo. “Me too!” replied Redmond. “10 seconds and we’ll have eyes on” said Valesco. “You’re gonna be alright.” “Negative. Its been an honour serving you Arqueta. Its them.” said Endo. “Don’t say that. Who is them?” said Arqueta. “Goodbye.” whispered Redmond. “NO!” shouted Valesco. The screams of Endo and Redmond were all that Arqueta and Valesco could hear. The screams stopped after a few seconds. Arqueta took a sharp left and stopped dead. Endo and Redmond lay mutilated in front of him. Valesco saw the bodies and almost retched. Arqueta slammed his fist on the ground. “We’re gonna kill them all!” he shouted in rage. “Looks like we know who ‘them’ is.” replied Valesco. Bits of mutated body parts lay all over. “Oh no.” said Arqueta in dismay.



Chapter 4: Escape


“Search and Rescue Team Echo, come in.” said the Captain over the communication channel. “This is Valesco. Go ahead.” replied Valesco. “Sitrep.” asked the Captain. “Endo and Redmond have been killed.” replied Arqueta. “What? What happened over there?” asked the Captain. “Its……its….The Flood.” said Valesco. “The Flood? Abort mission return to the ship now.” ordered the Captain. “Roger that.” replied Arqueta. “We have to go Valesco.” said Arqueta. Valesco stood still, his eyes fixed on the bodies of his friends. “Valesco. I know this is hard but we need to go.” said Arqueta. Valesco said nothing. He followed Arqueta in silence. “Motion sensor is lighting up again.” said Valesco. “Forget it. Just keep moving.” replied Arqueta. The pair’s footsteps echoed through the ship. Suddenly, they wer drowned out by the sound of roars and the footsteps of Flood as they chased Valesco and Arqueta. “Oh god!” shouted Valesco. “Just keep going! We can get to the Pelican and get out of here!” replied Arqueta. “Get to the airlock.” The pair took a sharp left toward the the dark corridor they came through. “Stop.” said Valesco. Arqueta stopped beside Valesco. “What?” asked Arqueta. “They’re waiting for us in the darkness.” answered Valesco. Arqueta switched on the flashlight on his helmet and directed it down the corridor. A group of Flood scrambled further into the darkness. “Ideas?” said Arqueta. “We go around.” replied Valesco. Roars echoed through the ship from behind the pair. “No time. We have to go through.” said Arqueta.


Valesco sighed and pulled out a flare. He threw it ahead of him down the corridor. More Flood scrambled towards the airlock.” Run towards the airlock.” said Arqueta. Valesco nodded. The pair charged down the corridor firing at any glimpse of the Flood. “The pair emerged from the darkness and ran towards the airlock. The Flood were close behind. “We’ll never make it.” said Valesco. “We will.” replied Arqueta. “No.” said Valesco. “We need more time. A distraction is the only way.” said Valesco. “Distraction? No. You can’t.” said Arqueta. “I can.” replied Valesco. He turned and began to attack the Flood. “VALESCO!” shouted Arqueta. “GO!” replied Valesco. Arqueta did what he was told.


 He ran into the airlock and slumped against the door. Arqueta began to cry. He couldn’t believe he lost another friend. “Its been the best time of my life.” said Valesco before being overwhelmed by the Flood. Arqueta drifted through corridors toward the Pelican. Arqueta boarded the Pelican and radioed the Captain. “Sir, Im on my way back. Valesco is dead.” said Arqueta. “Roger that.” replied the Captain. “One request Sir.” said Arqueta. “Yes?” asked the Captain. “Blow her to Hell!” said Arqueta. “The Flood will not survive. Return to minimum safe distance.” replied the Captain. “Negative.” replied Arqueta. “I can’t go on. Just fire.” “I won’t do that.” replied the Captain. “Are you going to ignore my last request?” said Arqueta. The Captain sighed. “Its been an honour Arqueta. See you on the other side.” “Same to you Sir.” replied Arqueta. “Launch Archer missle pods A1 to A9 and fire both MAC Cannons.” ordered the Captain. The Captain watched as the frigate tore apart and exploded in space. “Thank you.” said Arqueta to the Captain before his signal died.


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