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The Halo Bulletin: 7.23.14

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The days before major gaming industry events are, in many ways, totally insane. As we prepare to show you new things, last-minute finishing touches are made with extreme care and caution. Teams of 343’ers stand huddled around one another’s desks, determining which images, scenes, and features will be shown for the first time. We argue over typefaces and screenshots, add last-minute reveals, and reiterate until we’ve got something great to share with all of you. Up until the last minute, we’re continually asking ourselves about the best ways to show you the new experiences that lie ahead.

This year’s preparation for the world famous San Diego Comic-Con was no exception. After countless discussions, debates, and late nights at the studio, we’ve determined how we’ll start to tell you the story of Halo: Nightfall, and what new information we’ll reveal for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Starting in less than 12 hours, you’ll be able join us at the Halo: Nightfall Panel at SDCC, where Kiki, Frank, and cast and crew from the live-action digital series will prepare you for what’s coming this fall. In the event that you missed us last week, here are the details for our SDCC panels. 

Halo: Nightfall First Look

Thursday, July 24, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Room 6BCF

If you missed yesterday’s Halo: Nightfall announcement, head here! In the likely event that you just can’t get enough, we’ve created some new HD desktop wallpapers for you - grab ‘em below!

sdcc-2014-halo-nightfall-oni-and-sedrans sdcc-2014-halo-nightfall-oni-and-sedrans
1280x720 - 1024x768 - 1920x1080
1280x720 - 1024x768 - 1920x1080


Additionally, as I mentioned above, we’ll have another look at Halo: The Master Chief Collection at SDCC. This panel will very much be a “part two” in the series, building upon some of the details that were announced at our RTX panel.


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