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5 Years of ForgeCafe and Beyond. The Birth of DestinyCafe.

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Branching Out While Getting Back to Their Roots.
For those who have not yet heard about its unveiling, undr zid (Affiliate, Admin of ForgeCafe), has finally released his shiny new baby to the public as of April 18th, 2014. This was the 5th anniversary of the ForgeCafe's existence dating back to the days of bungie.net. DestinyCafe has been in the works for over a year according to undr zid and his very helpful Cafe Staff had been helping him all while keeping it under wraps all this time. 
Destiny is going to be Bungie's huge hit game this year so Destiny forums are going to be necessary. Zid saw this opportunity and took it by buying the DestinyCafe.net domain. Undr zid says his goal with the site is to give the members the same feel that made members love bungie.net in the first place. "The idea is to slowly shift focus from FC to here," zid said about his site. This will hopefully build a fan base for Destiny on one site and then allow those members to shift to ForgeCafe from there upon the release of the next Halo game.
Some nice features on the site include its Streams tab where you can catch Twitch Streams of anyone you follow that has a Stream on site, the Clans system which allows you to essentially be an admin of your own sub-forum in a way, and its nice clean look. DestinyCafe is of course a Destiny forum but welcomes any other game fans as well.
Being on the testing team months prior to its launch, I did get to see some changes and it's amazing how fast undr zid and his Staff can work. There are already some familiar faces there from ForgeCafe's harry_c0 and OxK Nym to our very own -Sparky- and Silent Orbis. 



Congratulations undr zid and I hope your sites do well with both titles launching this year. Thank you for letting me experience the site as it was changing. Hope everyone gives it a try and it is another Cafe so there might be coffee.

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Damn man, thanks for the post. Much love Drizzy.


The site started out as a phpbb platform, much like the old Forge Cafe. It was actually Destiny Cafe where I experimented with ip.Board, switching the old phpBB to the new, and fell in love with it's functions. So a big factor for switching Forge Cafe to ip.Board, was months and months of fiddling with the new DC layout. And of course, all of this spawned from visiting here and being a member of this board. So when I say "over a year", I am including the 10 months put into the elder version, before we scrapped it and started all over again. So yea, lots and lots of work.


But I hope people like it, I tried to include everything that anyone will need for their Destiny experience, including myself. :thumbsup:



Gonna be honest here.... not a big fan. I have personal reasons as to why.


However, I wish Zid well with the site and also congrats to him for this new step.


Since your being honest, I will as well. I apologize for some of the people who made their way into Forge Cafe the past months, and sort of took aspects of our community a bit too seriously. A small handful of people ruffled feathers, and sort of soiled the atmosphere there. If your reason is beyond that, then as you said it's personal. But if I am on target here, I do want to extend my apologies. I can't control everything all the time.


Either way, thanks Mayh3m. *high five*

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Damn man, thanks for the post. Much love Drizzy.


The site started out as a phpbb platform, much like the old Forge Cafe. It was actually Destiny Cafe where I experimented with ip.Board, switching the old phpBB to the new, and fell in love with it's functions. So a big factor for switching Forge Cafe to ip.Board, was months and months of fiddling with the new DC layout. And of course, all of this spawned from visiting here and being a member of this board. So when I say "over a year", I am including the 10 months put into the elder version, before we scrapped it and started all over again. So yea, lots and lots of work.


But I hope people like it, I tried to include everything that anyone will need for their Destiny experience, including myself. :thumbsup:




Since your being honest, I will as well. I apologize for some of the people who made their way into Forge Cafe the past months, and sort of took aspects of our community a bit too seriously. A small handful of people ruffled feathers, and sort of soiled the atmosphere there. If your reason is beyond that, then as you said it's personal. But if I am on target here, I do want to extend my apologies. I can't control everything all the time.


Either way, thanks Mayh3m. *high five*


It is not regarding that. It regards something else, but I do thank you for showing good leadership on behalf of Forge Cafe. I do stop by once in a while. It is an impressive site I must say and I look forward to watching it grow in the future. :)

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