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343 Industries Contact Information

Commander Prime

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Hi all,


This is my first post, so I'm sorry if it is not in the right place. I was wondering if anyone had 343's contact information so I could get in touch with them. I recently completed a Capstone project to graduate from my honors college. The subject was the future of the Halo franchise. The director of the college really liked it and has been pushing me to share it with the developers so I thought I would come here to see if I could find a point of contact (I have tried BS Angel from Waypoint several times through different mediums, and she has yet to get back to me). Anyhow, please let me know as soon as you can.


Thank you,



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  • 6 months later...

Good luck with contacting them. I would have thought Twitter or the email addresses would be your best shot. Your topic would have to be pretty popular to pique the interest of 343i from the Waypoint forums. BTW, your project sounds pretty interesting, especially for an honors project. Mind me asking what it's about?

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