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Hey guys,


Though i may be new to the 343i forums, i've got some great ideas to share for Halo 5. What if you were able to have your own customized assassinations in matchmaking? How amazing would that be?


The creater tool would kinda be like a WWE game (don't judge me for playing them) where you could create your own unique customizable "finishing move." You're given a huge list of Starting Moves, Secondary Moves, and Finishing Moves, like a three-tier system. You would be able to choose a starting type of move where you grab the enemy SPARTAN, a secondary type where you say, drop him to the floor, raise him over your head, tackle or body slam him, and a finishing blow of a stab, a crack of the spine/neck or the blow of a bullet. All selections would be compatible with each other and there would be a set amount of time that you're assassination would have to take in order for the multiplayer aspect of it be balanced.


Now when you get assassinated, you can gasp at each unique creation that each person makes. It would add that much more into the Halo Sandbox and be a fantastic touch to the franchise.



I've thought of a real cool one where the SPARTAN grabs the other one by the neck, choke-slams him and makes a finishing jab of the knife to kill his opponent.


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That is such a great idea! But, if you start putting things in like the batista bomb (I remember that guy) or stone cold steve austin's finisher 343 will get sued lol. I think it would work but I don't know how the could implement it into the game because one assassination gets boring over time.

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Too much effort for little payoff. Animations for simple things like walking even with MOCAP, take quite a few weeks to perfect and have game ready. I can't imagine the poor team of guys that would literally have to coordinate, capture and tweak the animation sets. Your talking 8 months alone roughly just for animations for this idea. Won't happen and a complete waste of time. bubble popped....

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Halo 5 (will halo 5 will be released in 2015?


I can remember the old trilogy when the new sequel halo game comes out every 3 years so that means they will show a halo 5 E3 trailer 2014 and then they will release the game in 2015


What do you think?

You know, you kinda right!

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